Chapter 6 (is Somthing Wrong?)

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Natasha's POV:

Ugh, I'm so bored. I've been sitting in this bed for to long, it's only been one day, but still. I feel perfectly fine and my wound is already gone, it's basically a scar now. I guess Bruce's ointment really dose work.

Someone was knocking at my door. I wonder who it is. "Come in!"

Tony walked into the room "Hey!"

I felt kind of disappointed, because

I thought it was Steve "oh...hey Tony. I like your shirt." he was wearing a white Rolling Stones tee shirt.

"Thanks Romanoff ... wait a minuet...somethings different."

I raised my eyebrows "what?"

"That's it. Your wearing Steve's shirt...WAIT! WHY ARE YOU WEARING HIS SHIRT!"

"He gave it to me after the surgery so my other clothes wouldn't get ruined"

Tony had a big grin on his face "he really dose care about you."

I quickly turned my head towards him "wait what did you say?!?"

"Oh, I just said he must really care about you."

I couldn't help it but blush.

"You guys must be really close friends."

"Right...we are really good friends . Hey do you know if training, starts today?"

"Um yea I think it dose. why?"



Steve's POV:

It's the first day of training, I thought I would be dreading this but I'm actually excited. We have training in the stark gym, lately. Clint and Maria were talking in the corner and I was doing basic warm ups. I heard some one open the door. When I looked for who came in, I realized it was Natasha. she was wearing black leggings and a red tank top.

"Natasha! you should be resting."

"Steve honestly I'm fine."

"Nat you had surgery three days ago. I don't want you to get hurt."

She grabbed my wrist and looked me in the eyes "trust me I'm fine."

I didn't want to make her Mad at me and I knew she was sick of being in bed all day "ok, I trust you. just don't get hurt."

Natasha looked around the room "so what are we doing first?"

Maria walked over "oh I think we're doing self defense."

Clint followed her "sounds easy to me. Who wants to go against me first?"

Natasha stepped forwarded "I'll go."

Clint smiled " ok then I'll go easy on you. "

Natasha looked a little irritated "fine lets go."

They walked on to the foam mats. I couldn't help but feel worried. both of them got into a stance. Maria looked at Clint then Natasha "ready.....GO!"

Natasha looked a little different, she looked angry and like she was actually going to hurt someone. It's like her eyes didn't look the same anymore instead of a bright green it looked more like a dark black.

Clint through his first punch. Natasha instantly griped his fist and twisted his arm so he would fall to the ground "AHHHHH!!! Natasha your hurting me!!!" she let go but she didn't look like she was finished with him."

I quickly ran over to her "Natasha! What's wrong?!? Are you okay?"

She didn't even hesitate as she tried to punch me, but I ducked.

"Natasha I'm not going to hurt you. just tell me what's wrong."

Clint was still on the floor clutching his arm. Maria must have left to get help.

Natasha started to move closer to Clint. it looked like she was going to kick him so I jumped In front of Clint. Natasha kicked me directly in the ribs. My mouth was filling with blood.

"Natasha I'm not going to fight you. I would never want to hurt you."

She took a few steps and stumbled into the ground. She was shaking rapidly.

I spit the blood out of my mouth "NATASHA!!! Are you ok ?!?" I felt like I couldn't breath because I thought I was losing her.

she stopped shaking. she slowly sat back up. "What's...going on...what did I do?!?"

I walked over to Natasha and hugged her "it's ok Natasha."

She pushed away "no it's not Steve! I could have killed you guy's!" she started to cry.

I wiped some of her tears away "Natasha you didn't mean it though. it's not your fault."

"I just don't know what happened, something took over my body, something is wrong."

I helped her get up "here let's go see Bruce." I put my arm around her and we walked over to the medical room.



Me and Natasha have been waiting for about 15min. Bruce wanted to take some blood samples.

Bruce entered the room. Natasha eagerly said "did you find any thing?!?"

Bruce looked through his clip board "actually I did and I found some interesting stuff."

"Well what is it" I didn't realize I was holding her hand.

Bruce looked interested "well in your blood we found an interesting compound, a very small dosage. we also found the same compound residue on the bullet, you were shot by."

Natasha looked at me then Bruce "Is the compound the reason why I went all crazy?"

Bruce looked puzzled "yes, it makes the person who possess's it go crazy with anger and takes control. None of this is you fault, but my question is why is it on the bullet."

I figured it out " it makes sense now!"

Natasha jolted he head "what makes sense?"

"The compound. it's what hydra is working on. that's hydras plan. they probably want to use the compound against us."

Bruce looked up from his clip board "Your right Steve! I better go tell nick!"

Bruce was about to walk out the door but Natasha stoped him."wait Bruce! I need to know, will I be back to normal now?"

bruce turned around "yes, it's all gone the dosage, is to small to last this long." he left the room

Natasha started to cry again. I turned towards her "Natasha. you shouldn't feel bad about this. you had no control."

"I know Steve. I just think I need to be alone right now." she got up and ran out the door. Before I could try and catch her she ran off to her room and looked the door. I wanted to stay with her, but I know she needs her space right now. So I walked to my room and sat on my bed, thinking about her. I care a lot about her she is the closest friend I have right now. I wish she wasn't so hard on herself. I just want to be with her right now.


Authors note:

Thank you guys so much!

Sorry this chapter took awhile . I've been very busy this week.

Hope you like it soldiers!

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