Chapter 10 (Hectic)

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Steve's POV:

I've never felt more determined in my life. Whoever this diabolical man was, I was going to bring him back for Natasha. I probably should have listened to what Maria was saying, because I don't even know what the guys name is, but how could I pay attention when Natasha was looking at me like that. Natasha looked so angry and done with me. I should have asked her why, but it's to late now.

The quinjet auto pilot beeped , meaning we had 15 min. till landing.

I don't even have a plan! I guess I could look in the bad parts of town and maybe find a lead. Before the quinjet landed I grabbed some of my things. Two handguns, Three flash bangs, ammo, and a small picture of me and Natasha. I thought it would be a good luck charm. the picture was taken on our first mission together. I was smiling, my arm was round her shoulder and Natasha Embarrassingly cracked a smile. The picture was at the time we didn't know each other that well, but now it's like we can't live without each other. that mission felt like a million years ago, but I remember everything.

Once the quinjet landed into a secluded area I quickly ran down the alleys of the city walls. The temperature here is so cold, I don't understand how Nat lived most of her life here. I walked into a small bar and looked around to see any clues, maybe a hydra symbol or someone I've seen before, but if course I didn't find anything. I'm never going to find him, so I headed back to the dark allies. A group of large men stomped by mumbling words.when they passed me I followed them from a distance. they started to walk faster then they took a right down a smaller alley, except for one Man he continued to go straight. The rest of the men walked through a metal fence then stopped at a dead end. I quickly followed, but when I passed the metal fence, a man slammed the fence door closed and locked me in. Shit, It suddenly occurred to me that I'm stuck in alley with most likely 20 skilled assassins.

A large Familiar man stepped forward with a weathered voice and a thick acsent."Hello Captain Rogers..."

This man seemed so familiar, but I couldn't remember who he was. he had black long hair and a long beard. the large man was wearing a large coat and baggy jeans.

I cleared my throat. "who are you?"

The large man looked at his friends and laughed with coughs in between "oh you don't remember me."

It suddenly came to me. memories started to flash back to our last mission the man who was pinning me down while Natasha got shot. my head started ringing and my cheeks became burning hot.


I became over powered with anger so I forcefully charged at the man and punched him in the jaw. The large man slowly tipped over, he was obviously knocked out.

I pulled my shield off my back "so who's going to answer my questions? where is the man who shot Natasha?" I stood still, looking at 19 of the men. I started to yell "WHERE IS HE!"

I felt a pinch and I started to feel weak, so weak. My vision became blurry and I slowly fell to the ground. I think I was hit by a tranquilizer.


Natasha's POV:

I walked down the empty Stark building hallways. Scanning the rooms for Steve.

I feel terrible about yesterday, hopefully I didn't hurt his feelings. If only I could have kept my cool when Steve was talking to Sharon. I just haven't seen him since the meeting last night when he stormed out of the room. what if he gets hurt or killed. It would be MY fault. Although he's Captain America, he can defiantly handle himself. I know what he can do.

Maybe I should ask the boys if they know were he is. I started to head over to the break room. I automatically got a migraine and I haven't even walked through the door yet. As soon as I entered I almost completely blew up with frustration.

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