Chapter 12 (Suprise)

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Steve's POV:

My eyes fluttered open when the sunlight creeped into Natasha's room. Natasha was still balled up sleeping under my arm. The pain from yesterday seemed to go away after Nat patched me up. I turned my head to the alarm clock on the nightstand, that read 11:23. damn it. I forgot about waking up early. I'm supposed to have a meeting in ten minutes. There's no way I will make it on time. I gently lifted up my arm so Natasha wouldn't wake up. Tasha defiantly loved to sleep in when we didn't have missions. She looked so Soft and vulnerable. Maybe because she finally lets her Guard down when she's asleep.

I quickly and quietly tip toed over to the the door until a sleepy voice put me to a holt.
"Steve, where are you going?"
I looked over to Natasha. she was still wearing the clothes she wore last night.
"sorry to wake you Nat, I almost forgot about the meeting with fury today."
She slid off the bed and shuffled over to the couch then stretched
"Oh ya. don't wanna miss that. we're still watching a movie later right?"
I walked over to hug her.
"Yep! I'll be back in like an hour."
She smiled and looked up at me with her big green eyes.
"Good can't wait!"

I walked back over to the door and reached out for the handle but I hesitated.
"Wait...this looks wrong what if some one sees me."
Nat shrugged "well, just explain that you fell asleep in my room. like a sleepover! Besides no ones probably going to see you. your room is literally across the hallway."
I crossed my arms.
"Well I think that's going to be hard to explain, having the fact that I'm shirtless and all of my clothes at stained or torn apart"
Natasha looked down at her clothes.
"Well I can give you back the shirt you gave me."
I scratched my head and smiled.
"No I want you too keep that! It looks cuter on you anyways."
Natasha whispered thanks.
"Ok now I'm really late It doesn't really matter that much anyways. everyone knows we are friends. I'll see you later."

I slowly opened the door as I swiveled my head left and right confirming no one was in the hall way. I turned my head to the left and slowly walked down to my room until I heard loud gasps and squealing. shit the last person I would want to see me walking out of a girls room shirtless. Tony fucking stark.
Tony looked crazy.
"Oh my god! No way. I can't believe this. my little Capsicle finally got laid! With Natasha too! hahaha I can't wait to tell the guys! Bruce! Clint!"
I felt so nervous and angry. Natasha walked out of her room, she looked shocked.
"TONY BE QUIET! No that's not what happened! I swear, we would never... I would never. never mind Stark I don't have time for this."

Tony swiftly pulled out his phone and took a picture of me and Natasha in the hallway.
"This is so going on Twitter. damn steve I'm so proud of you."
Natasha bit her lip.
"Tony do not post That. this is none of your Business in the first place."
It took me awhile to realize what could happen if stark posted this picture. Tony has like a million followers.i
If this got to the media people would assume things and obviously Natasha feels uncomfortable about a whole nation knowing about her personal life.
"Tony listen to Natasha."
Tony tapped on his phone then giggled.
"To late!"
Natasha balled up her fists.
"Your kidding me? I swear I'm going to kill you!"
Tony took a couple steps back.
"Oh look it's trending! Thanks to me, you guys are now twitter famous."
Tony could tell we were angry. Natasha looked pissed.
"Steve you can go to your meeting I'll handle Tony!"
Tony started to sprint down the hall way and Natasha quickly followed. I could hear banging and screaming and then Tony calling for Clint. Natasha probably pinned him down our something.

After I opened my door I quickly changed into a new pair of clothes and then I ran down to the office floor. I speed walked into the conference room and punched in the door lock code. fury was sitting at the end of the long glass table. he casually tapped on the table.
"About damn time. Your late captain rogers. I thought you hated being late."
I sat down in the small uncomfortable black chair.
"I do. I'm sorry about being late. it's a really long story, but-"
Furry shook his head.
"I don't wanna here it! All I wanna here is why you left the meeting to disappear for two days?"
I don't know how he will respond. I did break some rules but hopefully he'll make some acceptations . I Leaned back in the chair. "...Where to begin. Well let's just say I found our lead."
I explained the entire scenario including stealing a quinjet and regarding the entire meeting.

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