Part 2

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Charlotte |

A week has passed since Gilbert sent Charlotte that note, and they haven't talked about it since. Everyday after school Gilbert would search for Charlotte, but she was always already gone.
Charlotte combed her long white her and mumbled about how ugly it was. "You should stop saying that," a voice said, startling her. Charlotte's eyes became big when she turned around. "Rose!" Charlotte screamed, hugging her eldest sister. "I've missed you so much," Charlotte told Rose. Rose smiled, "I've missed you to Charlotte," Charlotte and Rose then both walked downstairs and had breakfast. They had breakfast with Cole and George to. George is Rose's husband. "How is school going?" Rose asked at breakfast. Cole didn't say anything, but Charlotte had a tale to tell. "Oh Rose I made a new friend," Charlotte smiled from ear to ear, "she's a redhead and she just moved here. Her name is Anne with an e," Rose nodded, "I would love to meet this Anne," Rose looked at George, "You should invite her over after school so George and I can meet her," Charlotte smiled once again, "what a magnificent idea,"
Charlotte made her way to school with a grin on her face and happiness in her heart. She was so glad that Rose was finally visiting. Charlotte hadn't seen her sister in two years! Charlotte sighed as she saw the school come into view. As she was staring at the school something popped into view. "Hey Charlotte," He said. Gilbert Blythe, thought Charlotte mentally rolling her eyes. "Hello Gilbert," Gilbert grinned, "can we talk now?" He asked. Charlotte nodded. "I'm so sorry that I was so rude," He said quickly. Charlotte laughed, "it's ok Gilbert I'm used to people not noticing me," Gilbert's eyebrows knitted together, "I don't understand how people, or me, don't notice such a beautiful girl," he told her as they approached the school. Charlotte tried to hide her blush and smiled. "Here let me get the door," Gilbert said, holding open the door for Charlotte. "Thanks Gil," she said before hanging up her coat. Charlotte then walked over to Anne. "Hello Charlotte," Anne said. "Hello Anne. I have a question for you," Charlotte continued, "do you want to come over after school?" Anne nodded and squealed "of course I would love to!" She exclaimed. "We'll have to stop by my house so I can ask Marila," Charlotte nodded and smiled, taking her seat.
The day seemed to go slower than normal. Again, Charlotte was staring out the window. Charlotte was actually surprised that Anne was back at school. Just last week she hit Gilbert across the head with her slate, that was actually funny to Charlotte. The boy got what he deserved, she thought. "Charlotte!" Mr. Phillips yelled, taking Charlotte out of her daydream. "Come up here and spell beautiful,"  he ordered, staring straight at Prissy Andrews. Charlotte had noticed what was happening between them, and to Charlotte it was very creepy. She stood up and walked to the front of the class. Charlotte absolutely hated being at the front of the class. The classroom was dead silent, and Charlotte could feel everybody's eyes staring at her. Especially, Billy Andrew's he was probably hoping for her to spell it incorrectly. But she proved him wrong, as she wrote the last letter of beautiful spelling it out perfectly. She smiled as she turned around hearing Mr. Phillips say "correct". Her eyes met Gilbert's, and he was smiling. Charlottes eyes didn't leave Gilbert's until she sat down. Charlotte was very aware of how much Ruby likes Gilbert, but Charlotte has the right to be friends with who she wants to be friends with. Charlotte didn't really care if Ruby hated her. A lot of people already hated Charlotte, so it didn't matter to her if one more person did.
After class was dismissed, Anne and Charlotte met up outside. As Anne and Charlotte began leaving Gilbert caught up to them. "Hey Charlotte! Can I walk with you guys?" He asked. "Well Anne and I are going back to my house," Charlotte bit her lip nervously looking at Anne, "you can come as well," Gilbert smiled and joined the girls on their walk. "Oh and you can stay for supper as well," Charlotte added, as they walked up the path.
Oooo shorter chapter but damn Gilbert slipped into Charlottes life so fast. Also the only reason Charlotte invited him is because she felt bad lol. The next chapter is gonna be so adorable.

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