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(Y/ns pov~)

I felt somethin tap my shoulder repeatedly and then start shaking it. Anf then...


I screamed as I fell off the couch. "What the fudge..." I said as I looked around I saw katsuki on the couch looking down at me.


"Um...I'm sorry"he climbed off the couch and sat on my stomach.

"Today's the first day of school for me you and izuku". He said jumping up and down making me almost sick.

"Oh ya that's right.......HOLLY CRAP THATS RIGHT WERE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL" I jumped up and threw katsuki on the couch. I ran upstairs to wake up Mitsuki and masaru.

"WaKe Up"

I said as they 'WOKE' up and they also realized that they were about to be late.

~time skip brought to you by Mitsuki and masaru being wOkE~

They got to school and they quickly droped them off and then they walked inside.


all of a sudden I fell to the floor and was burried by a green sheep.

"Hey Izuku how's it been"

I said getting up and then one of the caretakers came over.

"Hello y/n I heard much about you from Izuku you must be the brother to him and katsuki". He said helping me get up.

"Yep I'm there brother and about three other people's to" I told them while smiling and then I felt something against my side's.

I looked down and saw both Boys hugging me like I was about to die.

"Y/n is our brother so we have to protect him"


Wow I guess they really do care for me.

"Well you guys must have a special brother" they caretaker said while smiling and patting both of their heads.

"YEP!" they say in unison

~time skip brought to you by sum lollies~

As the bell rings signaling us to go home Mitsuki came by and told me that I was staying with Inko tonight. So I decided to wow people and climb a tree impressing everyone.

"Wow n/n your so cool" said a boy.

"Love meh sempi" said a girl.

Then I jumped off the tree landing on the floor. And then I was greeted by the caretakers.

"Guess what two more people will be joining us tomorrow and we were wondering if you would like to show them around the school" they said hoping I would say yes of course i agreed and Inko came to pick me and izuku up.

As we were in the car I decided to tell Inko about them.

"Oh that's sounds fun y/n darling" she said while smiling.

We finally got home and ate dinner and went to bed and as we were laying down Izuku started to cry.

"H-hey what's wrong izu" I said while tiredly panicking.

"I-I'm scarred that y-you'll want the new people to be y-your new siblings" he said wiping his tears.

"Nonono izu I don't want any more siblings then what I have I already have you guys and that's all I need" i said wiping away his tears.

"O-ok" he stopped crying and hugged me and fell asleep as I drifted off to.

~the next morning~

We got up early this time and we 'wOkE' up and got ready for school on time. When we were dropped off I saw katsuki waiting for me. As soon as I walked up katsuki and Izuku both held my hands as we walked inside.

We played for a while with our friends and then the caretakers told me to come over. I walked over and saw two girls hidding behind the caretakers and then....


I was on the ground again but instead of it being a green sheep or a porcupine it was a black hair and blond hair goddesses that smelled really nice until they looked up at me with cute blue and brown eyes as for I was a blushing mess.

"Hello onii-chan"

A/N uuuggghhh I hate everything. STUPID PINTREST I HATE YOU!!! *crys*

Anyways now that that's over I hope you liked this chapter and have a nice life.


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