chapter 1: awakening

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gun's P.O.V

I slightly open my eyes in exhaust as my alarm clock was blaring in my ears. I groan as i finally hop out of the bed. as if you know, when your a Prince, you have to wake up early which sucks. "gun wake up!!". I quickly turn my head to see my father, the king, standing in my door way smiling widely.

"why so early?" I whine, in response i get pulled from the bed. Surprised, i quickly jerk away and gasp."nooooo i dont want toooo". He scruffed and carried me to the bathroom to get ready. As you see, today i have to choose a gaurd of some sort. Lately, i have been getting threats thrown towards me so yeah. "dad,do i have to choose a gaurd? they might get in my private space.". thinking,I start blushing. The problem is is that im gay. my dads fine with it cause he is always fanboying about it. I always think people will judge me for it. Just thinking about makes me cry. My dad noticed and came to me and wiped my tears. He is always so caring to me.

"hey, dont worry i wont let anyone judge you. ever". He said the last word with a smirk on his face. I chuckle slightly at his silliness.

i quickly got dressed, doing my hair perfectly as i always do. I followed my dad down the stairs.

when we get down the stairs, I swiftly hide behind my father. I can be really shy when I am around a lot of people. Im quite popular towards people but too shy to talk. "are you attending to be a gaurd for the kings son?". I turn my head to hear the conversation only to see a beautiful young man with kind slick gelled hair. he looked towards me and i hid my self, blushing like cazy.

__________________________________________ i know it was short but its still a chapter but comment anything you like!-author

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