Chapter 8: Knowing The Feeling

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Warning: Kind of heated🔞⚠️🔞
3rd P.O.V

It was still night time as Off had awoken, staring at the prince with nothing but concern in his eyes.

He worried for the boy who was right up against him, shaping himself into Off's body frame. Off's mind kept telling him that those 'men' would come back to hurt the Prince once again.

Off sighed, rubbing his fingers through Gun's hair, tangling in between threads. It felt good to Off. He felt like someone who was vulnerable could finally rely on him, to be protected. He always knew how to protect himself but to him it had no feeling. It only had feeling when protecting the one he thinks he loves.

He kept staring at the boy who was laying in his arms, hearing the boy's soft snores as he slept peacefully.

Gun began to stir in his sleep, murmuring panicked cries and he gripped the sheets, knuckles turning pale.

Off panicked and shook the boy in his arms and held the boy tightly, securing him that everything is alright.

The prince woke up in a cold sweat, painting loudly as he rubbed away the tears that began to fall from his cheeks.


Gun gasped and turn to his side to see a fully awake Off staring straight at him, curiosity in his eyes. He calmed himself and just looked down, embarrassed that his sleep paralysis got the best of him and took over him in his well you know, sleep.

Off glanced at him, deep in thought as Gun just sat still and stared back at Off. He sighed again "Yeah, I didn't want to tell you but I have sleep paralysis. I had a nightmare about those men. They we're....u-using me...playing w-with me..."

Gun hiccuped and covered his face not wanting the older to see how ugly he was when he cried.

Off stiffened but quickly pulled Gun into his lap, Making the younger one wrap his arms around his neck as he wrapped his around the smaller's slim waist, rubbing the side of his back in a soothing way to calm the other one down.

Gun instantly melted in his arms, having his mom doing the same to him when he was just a little boy.

Whenever the young lad was having an anxiety attack his mother would always caress him in her lap and rub his back ever so soothingly as he slowly would fall asleep.

Gun purred slightly, pressing further into the rubbing and laying his head on Off's chest gaining comfort from the older. Off thinking it was so fucking adorable.

Off was just figuring out that he was head over hills for the boy laying in his arms and quietly sleeping.

I mean, who wouldn't fall head over hills For the prince Gun?

Off stirred and laid down on his pillow and carefully Laid Gun on top of his chest and continued to rub his back to sooth the boy to keep asleep. Off was never the one to give comfort to others but look at him now, a better man he's become.

Gun awoke and placed his chin on Off's chest, looking up at his features and stared into his eyes blush on his face. Off stared back into those orbs but they both just stayed quiet.

Gun had so many feelings going through his head right now. He wondered how the man would respond if he just gave him a peck on the lips as a thank you for earlier.

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