Chapter 11: Soon To Meet Someone 'New'

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Forget about the chapter from when I said that Off's father is Newwiee, I changed my mind.
3rd P.O.V

Tay was still sitting at the dining table wondering where his kids had wondered off to until he heard a loud moan coming from his youngest son's room. He sighs to himself.

"Those fucking did they hook up so fucking fast?" He asked himself that question in his head when he suddenly found the answer.

He never went out to find love after his wife died from cancer. He promised himself to never fall in love again but even before she died she had told him to fall in love again, that the kids need two parents to look after them, cherish them.

She loved it when her husband would act silly towards her and the children, always making the children fall in laughter, all together was a blessing for them.

But after she passed away, everything was just dreadful. The kids got depressed, they wouldn't even accept the fact that their only mother just passed away. They knew what was going on, but they thought she could fight through! But it seems it was just too strong to beat.

The kids also didn't want to eat for the pass couple days, they would get nauseous and run straight to the bathroom to throw up. It was a pitiful sight for Tay to see his children in so much agony. Tay tried his best to cheer up the boys and he succeeded by telling them that their mother will always love them and watch them from up above.

Things went well later on, they were all together enjoying the time they have together.

Remembering the memories has such a meaning.

Tay felt the tears running down his face as he remembered the memories with his whole family, when they were together and happy.

Meanwhile the kids were all by the door, watching as their father cried out his sorrow. Gun starts to shed tears as he watched his father extinguish all his pain through tears.

Krist sighed, "Gun, I have a plan on how to get him out there again." Gun stared at him in shock.

He was shocked that he was even attempting to get their dad back into the dating game. Off raised his hand and placed it on Gun's shoulder, rubbing it soothingly as if he's trying to get him to calm down.

Off hummed," I'm pretty sure it could work out, I mean, how hard can it be?" The sons looked at him in complete disgust, knowing that he has no idea how many times they have tried to get their father out there.

Singto tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Krist, don't tell me it has never worked?..." Singto asked worryingly, afraid of what the answer will be.

Krist snorted in response, "Does it look like it has worked?" They all put their heads down in shame. Gun snickered, putting his face in his hands.

"Last time we hooked him on a secret date and once he found out, he literally flipped out! He would try to get away from his date by going to the restroom then calling us, fussing about his situation!" Gun laughed out loud trying to cover his laugh with his palm.

He laughed a bit too loud that he didn't notice his father right behind him, having a face that could terrify anyone.

Gun stiffened up,"He's right behind me isn't he?"

The others nod in unison, laughing under their breath. "What do y'all think y'all are doing?" Tay's tone was cold, causing chills to run on Everyone's spine. Gun even shrieked and quickly ran to hide behind his boyfriend.

They sweated.

The boys (Krist & Gun) know what their father is capable of doing to them. Another time they had hooked him up and hid in the corner watching him and his date sit their awkwardly, giving little talk. He had finally noticed the boys in the corner and quickly ran and grabbed them by their ears pulling and lecturing them all the way home.

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