Chapter 2: Beautiful

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Off's P.O.V

So i guess today is the big day...well if your wondering , today's the day where i might be chosen as the princes guard. Ive heard wonderful things about this 'cute' one. "BROTHER!!!!!" I heard footsteps coming at me, hurriedly. I sigh." what is it jane?"(sister).She quickly jumped on me and screamed excitedly. "You get to meet the prince! no fair! he so cute!" I shoved her off me and sighed again. She's always so grumpy. Well....I am too."well i got to go so take care of mae till i get back!". I quickly ran out the door, heading to the kings place.


I quickly park my car and walk into the mansion and see TONS of guys lined up. this must be where the king will choose the guard. A buff aged man came up to each one of the guys to im guessing to interview. "are you attending to be a guard of the King's son?". I nodded my head. I leaned over to see the king. Behind him was his son and....oh my god....was he so beautiful. He quickly hid behind his father, blushing while shaking quietly. I chuckle and wanted to talk to him but i had to sign some papers to document to the king.

Gun's P.O.V

"dad dad dad DAD!!" I've been yelling because I was blushing too much and my dad kept moving away as I was hiding behind him."son, im speaking to the manager who is checking on the guys who signed up to be a guard for you. what's wrong? It seems that your blushing .". he smirked and whispered in my ear." which one do you like?~". he gave me a list of all the men who signed up to be my guard. I skimmed through all the names, profiles and details about them. As I look through, I saw one that looked exactly like the man I saw earlier and gasped . Quickly, I shoved it in my dad's face and he looked at it and smiled."good choice son"

He walked toward the man I showed him and quickly pulled me with him. The man turned around and smiled nicely. He put out his hand in a polite manner. " Hi! my names Off, Off Jumpol and you must be the king". My dad politely shook his hand and smirked."you chose the right one son." The man took a glance at me and blushed lightly. How can a man be so....handsome." nice to finally meet you, my prince.". He wai at me and my father and still had that smile on his face."well don't be rude Gun, shake the gentleman's hand". My dad pushed me toward him so hard that i tripped over.

I gasped and closed my eyes tightly, preparing to hit the floor.But then i felt strong arms wrapped around."are you okay?!". I looked up to see two beautiful eyes looking at me. I started to blush so much,that I was stuttering."u-uh thank y-you o-oh gosh...". I turn to see my dad smirking his ass off. ha! a KING acting like a child.funny."its okay, i like having a cutie fall for me.". He realised what he said and quickly stuttered."I-ignore what i said"He blushed.I quickly stood up and shakingly, shook his hand."H-hi my names gun". Off smiled and shook my hand. God... his hand is so father and him talked a little till he had to go home. I walked through the house's hallway to my brothers room , Krist.

I knocked on the door a couples times before it slammed open."ugh what i was trying to sleep"He said, grumply."i have a crush on my guard "He spat out his drink."WHAT?!?

well this is chapter 2
comment what should next chapter be about
also tell me somethings i need to approve on.
hope you liked it!-author

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