Chapter 6: Awkward Situations

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Gun's P.O.V

Agh! That was so embarrassing! Why did Krist have to walk in on that?

I look down to see Off just bursting out with laughs, rolling on the floor like a kid would do when he pranked a friend.

I watched as Off got up and wiped his eyes.

"That w-was hilarious! haha!" He was still laughing as tears came down his cute cheeks.

I blushed slightly and covered my face with my hands. I peaked through my hands and looked over at Off. He came closer and he had the look of concern on his face.

"Gun, you okay? You look kinda spaced out" He inched closer and touched my hands. I quickly move away, blushing and stuttered.

"c-come on, the others are probably waiting on us"

We hurriedly walked down the stairs and into the table room. Off was softly looking everywhere, astonished to the decor. I saw my dad talking to my brother as the Butler was make dinner.

Off started smiling softly as he watched me look over at my father who saw us and smirked while walking towards us.

Oh god. Did Krist tell him what happened in our room? Oh fuck he's gonna tease the shit out of me!

"So, Gun, did anything interesting happen in yalls room hm?~" Me and Off both blushed, thinking back to what happened earlier in the room.

Off studdered a response. "oh s-sir he just asked me a p-personal question and it was sad and he c-cried." I was blushing so hard, that it looked like I could scream any minute!

Oh this is gonna be a long night
-timeskip to dinner-
3rd P.O.V

Quite to know, Off was quite fond to know gun. He's always gazing and daydreaming about the other. He always was a person who looked over his surroundings while walking around.

while he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking, he accidentally walked right into a fancy pole in the middle of the dinner hall.

"FUCK!" He yelled in his mind as he stumbled across them floor almost landing on Gun. Gun gasped quietly and caught Off before he fell to the floor.

Gun thought he would be the one falling but he guessed that Off was 'falling for him'. Ha! Get it?

Anyway, they all sat down as they heard Krist gawk at the two with a hidden smirk on his face.(Krist you'll get what's coming to you soon!)

They quietly ate and had small talk for awhile. Tay was thinking on a question to say until it came to mind. This should be good!

"So Off, you in any relationship with anyone~?"

As they heard a splatter, they turn to see that Gun had spatted his drink all over himself hearing what his father had said. Gun was blushing, spilling little apologies to everyone as he cleaned himself up.

Meanwhile while that was happening, Krist was trying his best not to laugh but ended up falling out his chair.

Off was suprised that Tay would ask a question like that so he choked on the drink he was sipping.

"N-no sir not at the m-moment" Off replied smiling nervously.

Off guessed this was payback from laughing earlier when Krist caught them hugging.

"Dad why w-would you ask that?!" Gun said loudly as he seen his dad, the KING, laughing his ass off.

Gun would always be shy around others but he always seemed to have a smile on his face.  But if you ever make him mad, EVER, you'll know what's coming to you once you're on the fucking ground.

Off nervously continued eating his meal as they all finished. When they all finished, they all said they're goodnight's and went to they're bedrooms.

"Don't get up to any hanky panky if ya know what I mean~"

Gun quickly turned around and slapped Krist's head
"Stop that you asswhole" Off and Gun quietly got in there now shared room and shut the door.

It was quite awkward while just sitting on the bed with nothing to say to eachother other than stare. The air got cold and Gun shivered as he stared into Off's brown orbs.

"W-well you can go c-change into your sleep wear" Gun shyly asked as he pointed towards the bathroom. Off softly laughed and got his sleep wear and headed to the bathroom.

Off soon came back in a white shirt and some black shorts walked upon the bed side. Gun walked to the bathroom and put on his favorite pj's. He wore some loose shorts that fit him well around his thick waist and his petite ass. He wore a long t-shirt that made him look small and adorable.

Off was stunned at the way Gun looked. He looked ravishing, Off could just eat him up! Gun looked up and saw that Off was staring at his cute body as he was slightly drooling.

Gun and Off quickly got into the bed and layed there, awkward goes through the fucking air.

Gun turned slightly and his right foot touched Off's leg. Gun panicked. " I-im sorry" Off lightly laughed and turned in Gun's direction and stared into his eyes. Off has never felt this kind of love from anyone. It was pure and loving and it made Off melt in happiness. Off wanted to hold Gun but he refuses because he just met the little boy. Gun, on the other hand was freaking out over touching Off. He was so warm!

They finally got comfortable and finally fell asleep and dreamed happily.


"A-ah~ I'm coming-" Gun woke in a cold sweat and gasped for air. Oh my god! Gun realised he did the hanky panky with Off in his dream!

He quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. He calmed down and sat on the toilet seat and stared down...... Fuck he had morning wood!

He started thinking on how to get rid of it but then there was a knock at the door.

"Gun you okay? I saw you run there while panting" Off said quite knowing what's going on. Off had heard that Gun was quietly moaning in his sleep. Off had got hard but ignored it and tried to sleep.

Gun then ran out of the bathroom, bumping into Off on the way out. "sorry P'Off!"

They quickly got ready for whatever they are going to do that day. Gun wore a blue pair of skinny jeans and a green pastel hoodie while Off just wore a Hawaii shirt and khaki shorts.

wonder what will happen today
Off thought as he stared at Gun dreamily.

So, did y'all like this chapter?!?? I tried hard but oh well, im bad at fucking writing but pls leave comments and comments for the next chapter!

-Author (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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