Chapter 5: Learning

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Off's P.O.V

so now Im on my way to my house to get packed so I can get up early to head on over to Gun's place.

I hurriedly ran to my room and harshly opened my closet door. my mother quickly picked her head in my room. " Off, what are you doing sweetie?". I quickly went to her and hugged her softly due to her back.

" I was chosen to be the guard of the prince, Gun!!!" I yelled excitedly, running around the room as if I was a child who finally got what they wanted.

"congratulations Nong 'Off"

I turn around to see my younger sister. She was gleaming with joy as she ran to me with a bear hug.

" Sis! why are you up all on me?!?" I complained while she was squeezing me quite tightly. Shes always like this when she's excited like one time she went with her friend to the mall, she had seen a hot guy and wouldn't stop talking about it!

"so are ya moving in the palace~?". She walked around as if i was acting suspicious. She looked like she had broken her back because how she be limping around me.

" So tell me, are ya happy?" Jane said quite nicely for once. I just walked away because I didn't want to show how i feel. I walked to my room and screamed in pure joy. Can't believe I am going to be the guard!

"Stop screaming you old rat!" Jane came banging on my door. She stomped away angrily all the way to her room.

I through myself on my bed and thought. I wonder if he really would like me? mm... I don't know

Eventually I fell asleep thinking how tomorrow would be.


Gun's P.O.V

I woke up to the weight of the world, right back into reality."Ugh... Mondays"

I get up and walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I smiled and gasped as I seen I needed to brush my teeth. I laughed a little because I didn't know why I smiled.

"Gun, are you getting ready so we can go pick up your guard?" Krist said excitedly as he jumped around in the hallway. He gets excited so easily over the littlest things.

"Yeah, almost done!" I hurriedly jumped out of my room, almost hitting my head against the door. "ah fuck".

Krist went by his side, with a concerned face.
"Are you alright?!" Krist softly held me up and patted my back."Yeah, i-im alright"

I can be really clumsy sometimes. Krist and my father hurried and got in the car, on the way to Off's house.

why am i so nervous?

3rd P.O.V

Off was waiting patiently with his suitcase and sat on his porch. Feeling pretty good, he was softly rocking his hips side to side and back and forth. Usually he gets nervous about these situations but, he feels none of it at the moment.

Around the corner, he saw a black Lamborghini pulling around the block. Off squirmed as he waited for them to pull up in their driveway. On the other hand, Gun was fucking sweating from head to toe.

I guess he didn't think it would be this nerve racking.

Once they pulled in Off's driveway, Gun was literally screaming bloody murder. They quickly got out to help Off with his luggage and hurried back inside the car.

Gun had been sitting right beside him, blushing his ass off, sweating as he squirmed in his seat.

"So Off, are you glad to be Gun's guard?" Gun's father asked politely. Off was laughing slightly as he was watching Gun squirm uncomfortably."definitely. Is he always this shy?" Off was watching Gun as he was blushing, his arm rubbing against Off's side.

"Mmm....most of the time he's like this but once you get to know him, he's a whole lot different!" Krist was laughing in the passenger seat, almost smacking his head on the dash once they parked in the driveway. Sheesh, always clumsy.

"Welp, we're here!" Gun's dad said excitedly, as he exited the car and helped Off with his luggage and carried it to the palace.

"Gun, why don't you show Off around the palace or just take him to your room?" Gun's dad asked as he sat Off's luggage on the red carpet.

Gun stood and lead Off to his room while shaking quietly, thinking about where Off would sleep at. Gun opened the door to his room and politely let him in.

Off was pretty mesmerized. The room was a baby blue with pastel lights all around. The bed was a king sized that looked like it could fit eight people!

On the walls, were posters of some Wolves (had to have this in his room) full of grey, blue and white.

"S-so... do you like my room?" Gun asked, nervous of the answer Off would give. Off was laughing a little because of how Gun was acting all shy. Off thought it was cute though.

"It's wonderful." Off politely replied back. He set his stuff to the side and sat on Gun's bed. Well, now it's both of their bed. They sat there awkwardly, looking around the room as if no one lived in it.

Off scooted closer to Gun, asking him several questions all at once."So why are you shy of me? Are you scared? Can I know more about you? Don't worry, I'll tell you about me!" Off smiled as if he won a reward. Such a child.

Gun smiled. "No! Im not scared of you? your just a new person to me!" Gun continued.

"well, I have a brother named Krist. My father is named Tawan but you can call him Tay." Gun smiled cutely, he loved his family to death.

Off suddenly smiled, not knowing why he did. Gun looked at Off questioningly. "P'Off, what about your family?" Off smile went away but a snicker came on his face.

He laughed slightly. " Well, my family is quite little. Its me and my mae and my sister but, she's annoying!" Off showed a disgusted look on his face, making Gun laugh. " What about your dad?" Gun questioned. Off slightly frowned. He put his head in his hands, looking gloomed.

".....My dad left." Gun gasped and started to get worried and cried slightly." O-oh im so s-sorry P'off I shouldn't have brought up the past." Gun curled up in a ball next to Off, crying.

Off was a little stunned and held on to Gun's shoulders softly. Off pulled him in his lap and whispered in Gun's ear.

"Hey hey hey it's okay! You just wanted to know about my family" Off smiled soflty, looking into Gun's eyes

Fuck,how can a boy look so beautiful?

Gun softly blushed and hugged Off, feeling comforted by the older.

"Gun, we are about to have dinner, are y'all ready-" Gun turned his head to the direction of the voice.

It was his brother!

Krist stood there, surprised to see the two boys hugging with Gun in the olders lap.

" Well, hurry you two love birds~"

Gun quickly hopped off of Off and slammed the door.


Off fell to the floor, rolling around, laughing his ass off.

Off thought...

Im going to love it here, next to you

Hey guys!! I hope you loved this chapter! I had to put so much effort into this and im so proud of it.
pls comment any, and I mean ANY IDEAS for the next chapter! Also, I proof read so tell me if there is mistakes.

With love, Author

Also you saw what I did about Gun's father~

Question of the day:

Who do you think is Off's father?
Comment down below!

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