chapter 3: You're it

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Gun's P.O.V
Krist's looks at me like im a fucking retard."YOU WHAT?!?!?" . He got up and came to me and held my shoulders.

"Dude who is it? Is he handsome? cute? or hot?" i got kinda dizzy since he was shaking me like his life depended on it."all the above"I said with  a strong blush. "what do i do?!What if he thinks im weird?!"I started crying softly as bad thoughts rushed through my head."No babi  don't cry!"He tries to think of something to get me to calm down.

He hugged me and everything started to fade away.See,I suffer from high anxiety where if something bad happens, I'll black out. When I was little, my mom was the only person who could calm me down.But on day I came home to see that my father was talking to some people in doctor clothing. I overheard their conversation. "Sir, you're wife....has died of lung cancer". As soon as I herd this I ran to my room. I couldn't believe I had to hear that. So from now on so far, my brother and my father are the only ones who can comfort me.

"Dude don't cry, everything will be okay, you know i support you right ?" He gave me one of his goofy smiles and planted kisses on my forehead. I giggled softly at the ways he cheers me up. I gave him a hug and walked out then went to my room. I quickly got my sleep wear on and climbed into bed. Tomorrow's the day when dad will announce who the guard will be. Im so nervous because the guard i have chosen will be moving in with me. I start thinking of him. Ugh I cant get him out of my head.

Eventually I was fast asleep thinking of him. Oh god his handsom face... I don't even realize I'm saying these until i heard my brother and my father yelling."GO TO SLEEP WE HAVE TO GET UP EARLY!!!" I laugh to myself and blush beginning to fall asleep for tomorrow's event.

______________NEXT DAY_________________

Off's P.O.V

Welp, as soon as i got home my sister jumped on me, asking all kinds of questions like"how'd it go??" or "did he choose you??". i simply shrug at her and walked away, knowing she was trailing behind me. I wasn't really in the mood for talking, I'm just super tired.

"Don't know if he's chose me or not". She gave me a dumbfounded look. She continuously talked. "Can I go with you tomorrow? Please please please?!"She said, pleading like her life depended on it. I walked away from her and went to the kitchen. I haven't ate anything so I grabbed some pink milk and some ramen(p.s the authors favorite food). "No. It's just for business only sis."

She came up to me and climbed up my shoulder and wore a disgusting smirk on her face. I got nervous so I asked a question.

"What's that face for?". I'm getting worried about what she would respond with since she always gives me this weird vibe every once and awhile."Do you like him?~". I silently blushed and shoved her back and onto the couch. "Uh n-no way! why would you think that?". Walking around the room like I was trying to find an excuse for I wouldn't have to answer her questions. "I don't even know him well enough to like him but....he is...cute" She started squealing loudly I held my ear in between her fingers."OH GOD I SHIP IT!!!". she ran around the room and i saw she had a nosebleed for some kind of reason.

what the hell? Ship?

i hope you liked this chapter!
pls comment things for the next chapter . it will be called "chosen".
love yall!-author

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