Chapter 10: Drunk With Love

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🔝what they are wearing
(Pretty much the back story to how they met)

Krist's P.O.V

"Anything else I can get you,sir?"

I rose my head from the counter of the bar and watched the waiter, squinting my eyes because everything is suddenly very blurry. Looking at the man I can kinda see that he's holding onto a bar glass wiping it from the inside with a ragged white cloth.

I notice who it was and sigh in relief and lay my chin back onto the counter. The man sighed and quickly cleaned the mug and threw it into a pantry.

Ugh...I feel so light-headed...

The man sighed once again then also layed his head onto the counter placing his finger on my forehead, flicking it softly.

"Ow! What the fuck was that for?!" I yelled, rubbing the spot he flicked. All he did was laugh and sat up in his chair facing me once again.

"You're looking all gloomy, what's going on in your life dude?" Hearing that I sigh sadly. Alot of things have been going on lately. I'm always getting worried for my dad, he still won't even agree to try and be in any relationship! I try my best to convince him, even my brother tries but to no avail.

Even myself I'm worried about. I want to be in a stable relationship with someone like my brother has. But simply I am not attractive enough I guess...

Ohm, the bartender flicks my head again as I was stuck in space with my thoughts and brought me back to earth. Oh why did he do that?

"Ohm, I don't know what to do anymore man, I want to help my father but I must help myself first but I don't even know how to do that!" I take a swig of my beer then slamming it back down onto the counter, not strong enough to make it break

Ohm laughs slightly, oi! Why is he laughing?

He replies, "Dude, really? You? Not handsome? Come on! I've seen girls swooning over your looks, hell, a girl tried to rip your shirt off once she laid her eyes on you! He recalls the memory while laughing quietly.

Yeah, real funny.

I scoff lightly," I ain't into them. They're too dramatic and cause too many, you know what happened with my ex." I say the last word with a bit of aggressiveness. Man, I regret ever being with her ass.

We were doing so good at the beginning! We would always go out, hold hands... until she had to just fucking cheat on me! I literally saw her with someone else, she looked at me but then put her attention at her I'm guessing 'new and improved' boyfriend and smiled brightly at him. She acted like she had never known me.

I was a complete stranger to her.

Ohm goes quiet for some reason. "Dude, are you okay?" I give him an questionable look and quickly start to realize the tears running down my face, tasting the salt in them as they ran down and onto my lips.

I quickly raise my hand and rub the tears away as if I never cried. " I'm not crying, my eyes j-just sweat"

At that, Ohm starts laughing out loud holding his stomach in his hands. He smirks and ruffles my fuzzed hair then squints his eyes replying.

"Yeah sure they sweat. Well, my shift is over for tonight. Gotta get back to my wifey~" He says after he looks toward the clock hanging above the counter.

His 'wifey' he is referring to his tsundere boyfriend Toey, who is always pushy or shy. He gets worried whenever he's late coming home and would lecture him but then eventually cuddles the fuck out of him.

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