chapter 4:Chosen

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my edited photo btw (。┰ω┰。)I'll edit more if ya want comment below
3rd P.O.V

So now everyone's up and getting ready for the big event for the picking of the guard of prince Gun. Speaking of Gun, Gun is running around the room screaming about what to wear.
Gun hurriedly ran around the house trying to get everyone to help him choose.

"GUN JUST CHOOSE SOMETHING!!"Krist was yelling, picking up gun and throwing him in his room.Well, Gun's father was just sitting around waiting for his slow ass son.

"MOTHER OF FUCK I CAN'T FIND MA DAMN CLOTHES!"Gun yelled as he fell to the floor, throwing a damn tantrum. His dad was stunned.

"I didn't know he had such a vocabulary". His dad shook his head in disappointment in his son. Eventually, Gun had found a simple outfit to wear. His dad had told him to wear something professional but, he knows that's not Gun's style so he let him wear anything he wanted to wear.

He picked out a simple dark blue hoodie with a little design of a crown with tiny jewels. For pants, he picked out some black skinny jeans that fitted him well around his petite waist and plump butt.

Gun was pretty nervous for the event today. He was happy that he isn't the one who will announce the guard. Krist had came up behind Gun and picked him up and ran to the car.



Off was at the moment dealing with his chaotic sister, who's gripping at the hem of his shirt.

" Why won't you let me come with you?!" Jane whined.
Off just laughed and smirked.

"Because your a crazy little shit-"
As soon as he said it, Jane had smacked him on the head with her phone, causing him to yell.

"What the hell?!?"

Off got up and got his stuff and hopped into his car. On the way there, he turned on the radio and changed the channel to the news and what came on suprized him. The King had put a reminder for all the guards who had intisipated on being the guard of Gun to be there at the correct time. Once he arrived, he noticed he had made it exactly on time. Feeling accomplished, he through his fists in the air in a fighting motion.

Who knew he could be such a kid?

He quickly exited his car and walked to the palace or whatever you wanna call it. The place was fairly big so it should be enjoyable. He walked through the entrance to see the king and his son standing where the plack stand, talking probably about the meeting.

Off was staring off as he watched Gun. Damn, his slim body he thought.

Gun had caught him staring and furiously blushed pink. Gun hurriedly hid behind his father and smothered his face in his back.

"Dad, there he is!!" Gun whispered loudly. Unknowingly, Off had heard and snickered to himself. He had a feeling that he was gonna be chosen as the guard as he saw Gun blushing.

Remeber Off, this is just for business!

The King walked up to Off and greeted him with a wai. Gun was still hiding behind his father, shivering quietly.

"It's good to see you again, Off Jumpol." The king shook his hand and walked away with Gun to start the meeting. As they were walking away, Gun caught a glance of Off and smiled. Off saw and smiled back passionately.

The meeting had started and so far it's all about the rules on how to protect Gun and severely watch over him. Off catches soft glances over to Gun, keeps checking if eveything is okay.

" I would like to announce who the guard will be" The king said loudly through the mic he has set in front of him.

everyone stayed quiet and listened closely what was going to be said next. Even Off leaned closer to hear even though he could hear just fine.

Gun was in the corner, thinking how Off would react that he's going to be the guard to protect me.

"Off jumpol!"Off heard his name and jumped up slightly due to being surprised at the answer the King gave.

Everyone applaud him and stood up then left so the King could talk to him in private. Gun had still been hiding behind his dad's shoulder, sweating like a buffoon.

" It's a pleasure to have you to be my son's guard." The king said nicely. " but...." He pulled on Off's tie and pulled him towards his face. "But if you ever hurt my son..." Off sweated.

"You'll regret it" The king pushed him back and gave him a smile."great! Now you may go home and pack everything you'll need to stay here" Off stood there, petrified for his life as he saw the King walk away. Gun looked back and giggled by seeing Off's expression.

Maybe it won't be so bad after all
Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter but what should Gun's fathers name be? comment below and tell me more ideas for the next chapter! 
Love, Author

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