Chapter 7: His Jealousy

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3rd P.O.V

"So, where ya wanna go today?"Gun said, as he walked along side Off as they thought of what they should do today. They where just walking along the sidewalk.

They walked all around until they stopped at a coffee shop and walked right in. Off pulled out a chair, showing respect as a greeting for Gun to sit down. Gun, who was blushing, happily sat down. Off pushed his chair in and quietly took the seat in front of Gun.

They both sat there, thinking of what to do. While they were thinking, Off shot up in excitement and gleefully smiled. "I checked that there was a fair just up the road if you would like to go, yes?"

Gun blushed and laughed softly."As long as I see you being happy." Off blushed slightly, noticing that his excitement got the best of him.

As all of this was happening, they never noticed that Tay and Krist were watching from outside the cafe in a brushy bush. They were fanboying so loudly that everyone around them was scared.

Krist threw his head back and laughed."I wonder if they'll catch us!" Tay scoffed, getting onto his feet and brushing off the grass off his jeans." Trust me, im a genius at hiding, I just wanna see how Off treats Gun."

Off and gun quickly exited the cafe and headed to the holiday fair. Gun kept his pace with Off and gazed at him warmingly. He thought about how much fun they would have at the fair. They kept walking, there was only a few more blocks ahead till they got there.

Gun wanted nothing more than just to wrap his arm around Off's and he did exactly that. Off looked down to where they're arms were wrapped together.

He glanced at Gun, seeing how the little one was blushing, heat radiating off of him. Off smiled and held Gun's arm softly and continued walking.

How could there be someone so adorable?

When they got there, Gun gasped. There was so many rides around them! Couples were seen, hand in hand laughing happily. Oh how Gun wished he had someone to do that with. Couple wise.

The two of them walked through the entry and paid for the tickets. Being a gentleman like he is, bought Gun's ticket for him.

Tonight should be a great night. With you

______________Time Skip____________________

Gun's P.O.V

Tonight has been incredible! Off had took me to so many rides! My most favorite would have to be the Gut Wrecker because anyone who got on it would throw their guts out! Who knew I would be so gruesome?

I look over at Off, just gagging from the dizzy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up while hurling. I gave a little laugh and shook my head and grabbed ahold of his arm.

We walked through the fair and looked at the beautiful lights, glowing in the dark night. "You okay Papii?" Oh shit. That came out a little too early.

He looked at me with a surprised look and I saw a light blush on the tip of his ears.

"Papii?" He asked, curiosity all in his words, but also with a tight smirk on his face.

Ah fuck! Why did I have to say it out loud?!

He looked as if he was interested in what I called him. He gave a slight laugh and ruffled my hair then softly cooed in my ear. Breathly saying "Why don't you call me that more often?~"

Are you serious?!? He actually likes that pet name?!?!

My legs got shakey and my knees pointed inwards, shivering as I stood there. I felt hot all of a sudden, wanting to kiss that smirk off his handsome face.

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