Chapter 9: Talk About Awkward? Maybe?

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Warning: Little Heated 🔞⚠️🔞 (I don't really care about you're age so read if ya want)

Gun's P.OV

It was so awkward just sitting at the breakfast table. Dad was just sitting awkwardly as me and Off sat down in the seats, hand in hand underneath the table.

We quietly waited for Krist to come down from his room.

He suddenly pops out of nowhere with a short looking guy beside him. The young boy had a few bruises on his neck and a couple of bite marks here and there.

I just snicker to myself, putting my face in my hands as I struggled to keep my giggles in.

He finally has a lover! Thank Goodness!

Off shushes me to be quiet and pulls my hands underneath the table, rubbing my palms soothingly.

What a charmer

They awkwardly sit down in front of us and it is dead quiet as dad just smirks to himself then tries to talk.

"Well, looks like there's two couples in the house! I can already see who's the top in this relationship." He points to the marks on the shorter lad's neck.

The lad just hides his face into Krist's chest and lets out a little whine.

Heh, I like this kid!

There is barely any small talk as we just eat our breakfast and hurries to finish.

Dad is the one to break the silence." So, how did you two meet?" He points at both Krist and the lad next to him squirming as everyone is watching the two.

"Dad, I would like you to meet Singto, my boyfriend. We met at a bar." Dad just smiles and reaches out his hand to the younger in a manner as saying welcome.

" Weird place to meet but It's nice to meet you. Finally my older son won't be so lonely and nagging at me all the time."

Singto just laughes and politely shakes dad's hand and draws his hand back stuffing it into his pockets. "I know right? What would he do without me?" He says confidently as he smiles brightly grabbing onto Krist's arm and giving him a quick smooch on the cheek, with Krist blushing softly but smiles nothing less.

Yep, I like this kid.

Even Off starts laughing after awhile as the conversation gets better.

I look over at singto and wipe an invisible tear and laugh. " Now we need to get dad into an relationship Krist!" Dad just chucked a bag of chips at me and laughes.

"I'm out of the dating game, I mean, who would wanna date this pile of shit?" at that everyone busted out laughing that ended up with Off falling out of his chair, flailing his arms in the air.

I'm glad that everyone is happy and together.

Everyone continued to talk and gossip. Off got up and walked to the bathroom. I was beginning to get worried and excused myself from the table and followed him into the bathroom.

He seemed to notice me coming but didn't say a word about it. We reached over the corner and suddenly he pulled me into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me then locking the door.

He pinned me against the door attaching our lips in a forced but soft kiss. I was a little shook and was stiffed before bringing my arms around his neck, gripping onto his hair.

He brought his hands up to my thighs, tapping them making me jump into his arms. Off snuck his tongue into my mouth tasting every inch of me. It felt like a wet dream all over again in my head.

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