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Hennessy Lee❣️

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Hennessy Lee❣️

The boys haven't came back yet and it's going on 4 o'clock. I put Draco to sleep not too long ago so I was sitting on the couch taking pictures of myself.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs indicating Draco must've woke back up.

"Henny!" He yelled running towards me with his cup in hand.

"Huh?" I laughed at the new nickname he gave me.

"I'm thirsty. I want some juice." He held up his cup.

I nodded my head before grabbing the cup out his hand walking towards the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator to see a whole lotta juice.

"I want tha' blue juice because Uncle Boomer said blue is for real niggas." He said as I filled up his cup and gave it to him.

I busted out laughing as he tried to make some type of gang sign with a serious face.

I busted out laughing as he tried to make some type of gang sign with a serious face

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I continued to laugh as he walked off sipping his juice. I turned back around and decided to cook something since we've only ate snacks all day.

I wanted to make something simple so I pulled out two packs of ground meat out the freezer and sat it in the sink so it could defrost. I was going to make some hamburgers and fries.

I walked out the kitchen and decided to look around the house. It was kind of a mess.Toys everywhere and acouple of stains on the white fluffy carpet. I started to look through the cabinets and rooms to try to find some cleaning supplies. I ended up finding the towels and some strong ass cleaning stuff.


After I cleaned the house until it was almost damn near spotless I started to cook the hamburgers and fries. I slid the hamburgers in the oven and then added some fries in the boiling hot grease.

"Say he fuckin' with my posse, copped me Chloé like Kardashi'." I sung Nicki Minaj part from FeFe that played through the Bluetooth speakers Kentrell had set up.

"Daddy!" I heard Draco yell and a door slam shut. I turned around and peeked out the kitchen to see only Kentrell.

"Where's Three?" I watched him as he hugged Draco before putting him down.

"I don't know." He sounded nervous but he quickly covered it up before shrugging his shoulders. I sighed and walked back into the kitchen taking out the fries that was on the stove and added some more from the bag.

"What you cooking?" He followed me and hopped on to the counter. I ignored him and continued to watch the fries cook. This is unusual of Three. He wouldn't just leave me anywhere especially with out telling me anything. Him and Kentrell must be really close.

"I know you hea' me." He snapped his fingers. I turned around placing my hand on my hip.

"Is Three coming to pick me up later on?" I asked him waiting on him to answer. He shrugged his shoulders once again and started playing with the end of his shirt.

Before I could say anything else Draco came running in crying. Kentrell got down and reached for him but he backed away and walked towards me.

"What's wrong man?" I picked him up and placed him on my hip.

"I cut my finger." He held his finger up to my face. There was a small cut on his index finger.

"Come on let's get a bandaid." Kentrell tried to take Draco from out my arms but he held on tighter. Kentrell titled his head at his son as he layed his head on my chest.

"Go with daddy. I have to finish cooking or else the food will burn." I whispered in his ear. He nodded his head before actually letting Kentrell take him.

I turned back around towards the stove and took out the last batch of fries. I bent down to take out the hamburgers out of the oven since it beeped indicating they were finished.

After I made me, Draco, and Kentrells plate I placed it on the dining table and went in the living room to tell them the food was ready but only Draco was there.

"Your plate is on the table." I tapped his shoulder. He looked away from his tablet nodding his head before walking to the dining room.

I went upstairs to search for Kentrell. I looked in every room except for the one all the way down the hall with the huge doors. I was about to knock on the door until I heard talking.

"She said she wanted a job so I gave her one." I heard a muffled voice. It kind of sounded like Three.

"By letting her basically baby sit my son?" Kentrell said in a hushed tone. He must be on the phone.

"Yeah cause she's not gettin' another job other than dis'." I scrunched my face at what Three said. He act like he's my daddy sometimes -scratch that out- I mean all the damn time.

"You wrong, you know that?" I could see Kentrell shake his head from the small crack.

"No I'm not. I'm only protecting her-"

I'm grew tired of listening to their conversation so I knocked on the door.

"Aye I gotta go" Kentrell mumbled, "Come in."

I opened the door to him sitting on the bed without a shirt on. I bit my lip as my eyes roamed his chest that was covered in tattoos but one caught my attention it was a tattoo of a girl on the left side of his chest.

"Hennessy." He said stopping me from staring.

"Huh? Oh yeah- the food is ready." I continued biting my lip as I tried hard not to stare at his bare chest.

"A'ight." He got up nodding his head following me down the stairs and into the dining room.

Three always trying to protect somebody💀

Do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, how many?

im the only child🙃

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