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Hennessy sat on the bed rocking back and forth until someone knocked on the door. She ignored the pounding on the door and continued to rock back and forth.

KD walked in with Draco right behind him with a tray of food. "I got you some food Henny." Draco wobbled up to Hennessy placing the tray on the bed.

She forced a smile on her face thanking him. KD saw straight through the little act so he told Draco to step out for a minute.

"Why are you still here?" KD got straight to the point.

"What do you mean?" She scrunched her face at him.

"Kentrell killed your cousin and you're still around him. Girl you should run away far far away from him. Us. We're bad people. And things are about to get hectic so I suggest you get away from us." KD told her with all seriousness.

Hennessy looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "I can't." She mumbled.

"You can't what?" He looked at her confused.

"I can't leave Kentrell." She shook her head letting a tear slip out her eye.

"Why not." KD looked at her stupid. He killed her cousin for fuck sakes. She should hate this man.

"Because I love him."


Kentrell Gaulden

"I swear I didn't mean to. I was just mad and-"

"I know bro but we should be worried about who set us up." Boomer looked over at Kentrell. Boomer already has a person in mind but he's scared Kentrell might get defensive.

Kentrell thought for a second before shrugging his shoulders. He was too worried about the lost of his best friend to even worry about who set them up.

Boomer sighed placing his head in his hands. "I think Jania did it." He mumbled closing his eyes scared of Kentrell's reaction.

Kentrell stared off in space while twisting his hair. "The fuck did you just say?"

Boomer slowly scooted over before repeating himself. "I said I think Jania-"

Kentrell reached over pulling Boomer up by his collar. "How dare you say my girl set us up. It was probably yo bitch ass." Kentrell said spit flying out his mouth landing on his face.

"Kentrell chill out." KD came down the steps walking towards the both of them. Kentrell stared at Boomer for a bit before pushing him roughly back into the sofa.

Kentrell left out the living room and went inside his bedroom locking the door behind him. He went into his bathroom that was connected to his bedroom and opened the mirror grabbing the bottle of pills and needle.

He poured two pills out the bottle and popped them in his mouth. He swallowed them dry before picking up the needle injecting it in his arm.

He slowly felt the high he missed so much rush through his body. He put the bottle and needle back into the mirror before stepping out the bathroom and out of his room.

He walked back into the living room  seeing Boomer laying on the couch with his eyes focused on his phone. He pulled Boomer on the floor and repeatedly punched him.

"Daddy stop!" Draco yelled watching his farther beat on his uncle.

Hennessy came down stairs shaking her head. She didn't bother to interfere this time. She learned from the last time.

KD came out the kitchen with a pot in his hand and hit Kentrell across his head knocking him out. Boomer pushed Kentrell unconscious body of him and limped to his room with a trail of blood behind him.

"I told you to get the fuck outta here." KD looked up at Hennessy who was leaning on the stair railing.


Hennessy Lee❣️

I grabbed a crying Draco and took him upstairs with me towards my room. I sat down on the bed with him still in my lap and began to rock him until he slowly stopped crying.

I grabbed the remote and  changed it to Disney channel. Draco snapped his head towards the TV as some little boy hugged I'm guessing his mother.

"I love you so much mommy." The little boy said before letting her go.

I zoned out turning my attention to my ringing phone. I picked it up seeing it was a private number. I threw my phone back on the bed because three told me to never answer private numbers.

"Henny can you be my mommy?" I heard Draco voice making me look down at him to see him already looking up at me with his big brown eyes.

"I-um." I stumbled not knowing how to answer the question. He looked at me patiently waiting on me to answer his question.

I sighed before giving him a reply.

When was the last time you got into a fight?

How old do I look?💀

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