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Hennessy Lee❣️

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Hennessy Lee❣️

A couple of months later

"Damn girl." Ben looked me up and down. "You done got thick as hell."

"What'chu lookin' at my guh' fa'?" Kentrell came in between us shoving KD back a little.

"I was just sayin'." Ben smacked his lips. "She was built like a pencil fa' a lil minute."

I rolled my eyes walking up the stairs towards Draco and Krystal room. They both were sleep at the moment but I had to wake them up so they could eat breakfast.

"Krystal wake up baby." I shook her slightly making her groan loudly.

"Lemme lone." She turned the other way making her back face me.

I sighed walking out of her bedroom going into Kayden's to see he was already awake playing on his tablet.

"Good morning baby boy." I picked him up tossing him in the air before kissing both of his cheeks making him laugh loudly.

"You ready to eat eat?" I asked as we walked down stairs into the dining room to see everyone already eating at the table.

He nodded his head viciously before getting down to sit next to Kentrell who was conversating with the rest of the boys.

I fixed Kayden's plate before placing it in front of him along with his juice. "Whea' Krystal?" Boomer looking around the table before looking at me waiting on me to reply.

"She still upstairs sleep but I'm about to wake her up now." I begin to walk up the stairs again almost tripping on the last step.

I walked into her room shaking her a little harder then the last time. She stretched before rubbing her eyes looking up at me.

"You slept good baby girl." I smiled placing her on my hip walking down the stairs.

"Yeah, me had a dream me ate all tha' food." She laughed showing her little baby teeth.

"Thea' go my baby." Kentrell looked over at Krystal as Kayden sat in his lap eating his food.

Krystal wiggled out of my grip and ran over towards him hopping on top of his lap. I giggled at how bowlegged she was while walking into the kitchen grabbing her plate I already made.

I handed it to her and sat down in my seat and began eating my food. "What'chu wanna do fa' ya birthday?" Kentrell asked looking down at Krystal as she munched on her bacon.

I swallowed her food before replying. "Me wanna' eat a lotta cake, play in the water then eat sum' more cake."

"So you wanna go to a water park?" KD asked raising one of his eyebrows.

Krystal paused before nodding her head making her long hair fly everywhere.

"I guess I'll bring my son too." Boomer spoke up making everyone look at him in shock.

"You have a son?" I asked almost choking on my food.

"Yeah I found out when I was in jail." He chuckled. "He around Krystal age too."

"What's his name?" Ben asked putting up his plate in the dishwasher before coming back out.

"Bj." Boomer smiled looking at nothing in particular.

"Awh I can't wait to meet my little nephew." I said happily clasping my hands together.

"We gotta go." Kentrell stood placing Krystal and Kayden on the ground.

"Go where?" I scrunched my face up as I watched them put on their jackets and towards the door.

"You already know." He gave me a look while opening the door." I love yall!" He yelled before leaving with everyone else.

I sighed looking at all of the dirty dishes they left along with a huge mess. "Yall wanna eat some ice cream?" I asked looking over at Kayden and Krystal.

"Yeah!" They yelled loudly as I stood up.

"Yeah!" They yelled loudly as I stood up

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Kentrell Gaulden

"I told you I'm cool with a couple police officers so now I'm not a wanted criminal anymore." I said as watched KD drive down the road.

"Man I should've broke out like you." Boomer slouched in his seat crossing his arms.

I shook my head as KD stopped in front of Kendell house I had brought him. He blew the horn a couple of times letting him know we was outside.

He came out the front door hopping in the backseat. "What tha' business is?" He said dapping everyone up.

"Finna' fuck some bitches." Ben rubbed his hands together.

"Not me." I shook my head. " I got a guh' waiting on me at home."

"She won't know stop being a pussy." Ben and Boomer laughed as he drove in some ghetto ass neighborhood.

"Leave that man alone." Kendell shook his head. "Yall know he happily in love with Hennessy."

"Oh well, we hea' now." KD mumbled getting out of the car as so did everyone else.

"Man I should've drove in my car." I smacked my lips getting out following behind them.

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