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"You really pregnant?" Kentrell asked Janai as he came to a stop in front of a red light.

"Yes." Janai smiled. She wasn't sure if he was the father but he didn't have to know. All she wanted was the bag from him.

"Why you didn't tell me as soon as you found out?" Kentrell sighed running his hand down his face before continuing to drive once the light turned green.

"I thought you were going to be mad and do some stupid shit." She lied shrugging her shoulders.

Kentrell quickly looked at her weirdly with his eyebrows knitted together before looking back at the road.

He didn't know whether to fill happy or sad. He wanted to feel happy that Janai was going to have his child but he couldn't bring himself to it knowing Hennessy was going to leave him without looking back.

"I'll be back later on." Kentrell mumbled pulling in front of Janai small house compared to his.

"Alright babe." She leaned over pecking his lips before stepping out.

Kentrell didn't even wait for her to step inside before driving off to the house he shared with Hennessy and their kids.

Kentrell didn't even wait for her to step inside before driving off to the house he shared with Hennessy and their kids

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Hennessy Lee🖤

"Chelsey I need your help." I said on the verge of tears as I continued to pack Krystal clothes.

"What's wrong?" She said sounding worried.

"He fucking cheated on me." I began to sob and drop my phone on to the bed.

"Oh Lord. I told you his ass was no good." I could imagine her shaking her head, "I'm on my way now though." She said before hanging up.

I tried to stop myself from letting out another sob so I continued packing Krystal clothes in her suitcase before zipping it up.

I heard the front door open making me sigh in relief. Damn Chelsey got here fast.

"I'm up here!" I yelled before standing up with Krystal suitcase in my hand. I still had half of my clothes to back since I already did Draco's.

I heard Chelsey walking up the steps so I decided to meet her halfway since she was taking too long.

"Girl I-" I stopped talking once I saw Kentrell standing in front of me.

"What tha' hell happened to the living room?" He asked hovering over me.

"Oh you talking about the little mess I made?" I chuckled making him pinch the bridge of his nose.

"Dat ain't no lil mess. You smash my TV and cut up all my furniture, you even smashed all of our family pictures." He said as if he was hurt.

"Boy that ain't nothing." I waved him off, "You really going to be hurt when you see me and my kids walk out the door."

Right before I could go into Krystal room to get her he grabbed my arm. "You not goin' no where." He said trying to intimidate me.

"Watch me bitch." I shoved him out of my way and began walking towards Krystal room and softly picked her up.

"Hennessy I'm here bitch!" I heard Chelsey yell before the front slammed shut.

"Get out my way nigga. I need to go see my best friend!" She continued to yell, I guess Kentrell was blocking her from coming up the stairs.

I then walked down the stairs and started my way to the front door. "Where the hell you goin'?" I heard footsteps behind me.

"To my nigga house. The fuck you think?" I said as I stepped outside and unlocked the doors to my Range Rover.

"Hennessy don't make me put my hands on you, guh'." Kentrell stepped in front of me blocking the car door.

"Kentrell I'm not in the mood to be playing with you. Go play with that dirty bitch that's carrying your ugly ass baby." I blurted making him look at me in shock.

I moved around him and placed Krystal into her car seat before buckling her up softly since she was still sleep.

"So you gone take my daughter away from me even though her birthday is tomorrow?" He asked as if he was about to cry but I knew it was an act.

"You can FaceTime her happy birthday." Chelsey came outside with Draco.

"Oh hell na', you not taking my son." He shook his head and went to grab Draco.

"But I can take Krystal?" I smacked my lips at him, "What type of shit it that?" I shook my head.

"You not even his real mama." Kentrell shrugged his shoulders as he held Draco.

"Then where is his real mama?" I asked getting irritated with him, "I wish I would've never met your stupid ass."

Kentrell ignored what I just said and  grabbed my hand, "Why won't you just stay?"

"Unt un." Chelsey pushed him back, "You don't have the privilege to touch her anymore."

"Why would I stay now? I stayed when you killed my cousin even though I fuckin' shouldn't so now I'm leaving for good." I said almost crying again just the thought of Three brung me to tears.

"I did not kill yo' cousin." Kentrell rolled his eyes, "Get that out your fuckin head, dumb girl."

I raised my hand, punching him with full force almost making him drop Draco.

"I'm coming back for Draco." I mumbled as I watch his nose slowly begin to leak before hoping into my car, driving off.

Go read my new book 'The Founder' and also follow my collab page -highkey

be in a real life Purge or be in a situation like Bird Box?

would you rather eat burgers or pizza for the rest of your life?

Yall go fw BralynGooch

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