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Hennessy was awoken by her phone ringing off the hook. She kicked around while groaning not caring if she woke August that was sleeping beside her.

"Damn can a bitch sleep after getting some good dick?" She mumbled to herself before picking her phone up answering it.

"Whoever is calling better have a good ass reason for waking me up from a bomb ass nap." Hennessy said into the phone not caring if she sounded rude.

"Boomer's in the hospital." Kendell said as he paced back and forth in the waiting room.

"Ok the hell you telling me for-"

"Draco is also in the hospital too." Kendell said nervously.

The line went dead silent making him look down at his phone making sure she didn't hang up. "Hellooo?"

"What hospital is he in?" Hennessy asked as she threw on anything not caring how crazy she looked and slipped on her UGG slippers.

"Memorial Hermann." Kendell replied before she hanged up in his face.

"Well excuse the fuck outta me." Kendell said placing his hand over his chest.

"Quit stealing my shit." KD glared over at Kendell before sticking up his middle finger.


Hennessy walked into the hospital while looking around frantically. Once she spotted Kendell in the waiting room with everyone else she quickly walk over towards him.

"What happened?" She asked him knowing he was going to tell the full truth.

Kendell looked around before pulling Hennessy closer towards him. "Janai and Boomer we're sitting too close to each other so Kentrell started going nuts on Boomer. So while he was beating the fuck outta' Boomer he accidentally hit Draco knocking him out instantly."

While Hennessy was trying to process everything, Janai decided to speak up. "You was telling her everything."

Hennessy ignored her and looked over at Kentrell who was sitting beside her with his head in his hand. He looks as if he was crying because his eyes were blood shot red along with his nose.

Hennessy didn't care if he just got finished crying, she was about to beat this nigga ass.

"Woah, what you doin'?" Ben stepped in front of Hennessy as he watched her take off of her slides and tie her hair up in a ponytail.

"Ben get the hell out of my way, with them fake ass diamonds in your mouth that's slowly turning green." Hennessy said before shoving him out of the way.

"Well excuse the fuck outta me." Ben placed his hand over his chest.

"Stop stealin' my shit!" KD yelled getting irritated, "Fuck."

Hennessy walked up to Kentrell and  punched him dead in his mouth making everyone look over at them.

"You must wanna' be in the hospital bed too." Janai chuckled looking Hennessy up and down.

Hennessy looked over at Janai before spitting a whole load of her saliva onto her face. She then turned back to Kentrell who was still shocked that she even hit him.

Before Hennessy could hit him again KD got up and pulled her back since nobody was trying to.

"Did this big fat bitch really spit on me." Janai said as her voice turned squeaky.

"Hell yeah! I did that hoe." Hennessy smirked nodding her head. She knew that was the ultimate level of disrespect and she wouldn't want nobody to do it to her but she was tired of Janai.

Before Kentrell could say anything a female doctor came out with a clip board. "The family of Kayden Gaulden." She said making everyone look over at her.

Hennessy got out of KD grip and literally ran over towards the doctor. "Is my baby alright?" Hennessy asked as her leg shook.

The doctor waited for everyone to gather around before speaking. "His perfectly fine to me. He suffered from a bad blow and has a small bruise on his forehead, but other than that he's totally fine."

"What room is he in?" Kentrell asked as he rubbed his mouth.

"Room 214 on the second floor." She replied before walking away.

As they were filling up the elevator Kentrell was eyeing Hennessy closely as she looked down at her nails.

"Tha' fuck is that on ya' neck?" Kentrell asked as his eyes stayed on her neck that was openly displayed.

Everyone looked over at Hennessy to see she had multiple hickeys on her neck. And they weren't small either.

"Why the fuck you worried? You ain't my nigga anymore?" Hennessy mugged him before walking out of the elevator and made her way to Draco's room.

eat baby throw up or eat dog poop?

be surrounded by ugly fake friends for the rest of your life or let a group of cute boys run a train on you every night?

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