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Hennessy Lee❣️

I felt somebody rubbing my hand making me open my eyes. I rubbed my eyes turning to face Three who was sitting down next to me. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned my head to look around the room to see Kentrell, Draco, Boomer, Ben and Kd.

"I'm so sorry." Three whispered making me look back at him. I scrunched my face looking down to see I'm in a hospital bed with a gown on.

"What the hell?" I whispered trying to sit up but immediately layed back down when my stomach started hurting. "What happened? why am I here?"

Three sighed letting go off my hand rubbing his face, "You got shot."

I formed my mouth into an O when thoughts from earlier started flooding in. All I remember was me ordering some food at the fair when somebody yelled then hearing gun shots. Everything went blank after that.

"Now I can finally say I've been shot before." I threw up a gang sign making Boomer laugh.

"Shits not funny." Kentrell rolled his eyes as he continued rocking a knocked out Draco.

"So how many times I got shot?" I waited for somebody to answer.

"Three times." Kd shook his head.

"I'm sorry again." Three mumbled.

I looked over at him rolling my eyes, "What are you saying sorry for? You're not the one who shot me?"

"I know but it's my fault I even let you go out. I should've made you stay inside the house like I've been doing." He got up pacing back and forth, "Now do you understand why I don't want you out? There's people out to get yo ass all because of me and you're father."

"What do you mean?" I continued watching him move around.

"I can't tell you here." He shook his head before walking out.

"I'll go check on him." Kd stood up and followed him out the door.

"Me too." Ben stood up smacking on his chips.

"I'm just gone be lost and confused forever." I sighed leaning back more in the hospital bed.

"Me too." Boomer copied my actions and leaned back in his seat.

"Shut da' fuck up lying." Kentrell reached over and punched his shoulder.

"Ouch I was just tryna make her feel better." He rubbed his shoulder.

"How is you making ha' feel Betta'?" Kentrell smacked his lips.

"Yeah how are you making me feel better?" I twisted my lips to the side.

"I don't know damn. The fuck y'all asking me all dese question for?" He bucked at us.

A nurse walked in with a tray with a smile on her face, "Hi can I get you guys to step out."

"Oh yeah." Kentrell nodded his head before standing up with Draco still in his arms and left with Boomer.

Once the door close she sat down the tray and picked up a needle, "I'm just going to inject this in your IV."

"For what?" I looked at her as she walked towards me with that long ass needle.

"Just following boss orders." She shrugged with a evil smirk across her face.

Before I could even scream for help she injected the needle into my IV instantly making me feel dizzy. I watched as the room spin around then everything went black.



Kentrell Gaulden

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Kentrell Gaulden

"What's taking ha' so long." I mumbled as we waited by the door. My arms starting to get weak because I've been carrying Kayden for too long and I'm tired as hell cause I didn't get any sleep the other night.

"Man I'm finna just walk up in dat' bitch." Boomer started walking towards the door but I snatched him back.

"She might be naked or sum'." I let go of shirt and leaned against the wall.

"You right." He nodded his head, "Well I'm finna go to the vending machine you want something?"

"Yeah get me two bags of Doritos." I pulled out a fine and handed it to him.


As soon as he walked away the nurse came out with the same tray. I stood up getting ready to walk back in but she stopped me putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Um she's sleep right now. I suggest she get some rest since- you know- she just got shot." She gave me a nervous smile.

"Okay." I slowly nodded my head, "I'll come back another time then."

She nodded her head taking her hand off of my shoulder before walking down the hall. As soon as she was out of sight I walked back into the room to see Hennessy knocked out.

"Damn she went to sleep fast." I muttered before walking back out softly closing the door.

I walked down the hall to see Everybody going back towards her hospital room.

"Aye." I stopped them, "She sleep and the nurse said she should get some rest."

"Oh well come back lata' den'." Three said turning around.

"That sounds like a bet." Ben nodded his head still smacking on his chips.

"Oh hea' go yo' chips." Boomer handed me my chips and my change.

As soon as I opened the bag Kayden woke up looking around

"I want some." He held out his hand once he saw the chips.

"Here." I put him down so he could walk and handed him a bag.

Dogs or Cats?

What's your race/nationality?

My mama is white and my daddy is black so doesn't that mean I'm black too?💀

I wanna know your opinion🙃

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