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"He was out to kill me the whole time, Kentrell." Hennessy whispered as she watched Draco and Krystal play around in the park.

"I knew something was off about 'dat nigga." Kentrell mumbled shaking his head.

"You only met him once." Hennessy smacked her lips rolling her eyes.

"And I knew 'dat nigga wasn't right, I just had a feelin'." Kentrell licked over his bottom lip before looking over at Hennessy who was watching their kids closely.

"Dats what you get fa' leaving me fa' a nigga dat wasn't worth it like me." Kentrell said making Hennessy jerk her head back.

Hennessy let out a low chuckle trying not to say anything too out of character before looking over at him with a glare. "You ain't shit anyways."

"How?" Kentrell titled his head giving Hennessy his full attention. "I put in work ta' be with you, he ain't deserve it like me."

Hennessy knew he was right but she wouldn't let him know that. "Well you didn't put enough work because obviously I went and got with another man-"

"And dat' is exactly why he did tha' shit he did." Kentrell slightly raised his voice.

"Watch who you talking to, little boy." Hennessy raised her finger, pointed it in his face, "I'm not the scary ass hoes you be messing with especially Janai."

Hennessy watched Kentrell whole facial expression change as he continued to stare at her. His dark eyebrows became furrowed as her narrowed his eyes on her. He clenched and unclenched his jaw before letting breathing hardly.

"Watch ya' mouf', Hennessy."

"And if I don't?" Hennessy asked almost breaking her neck. "It ain't like you gone touch me."

"You right." He nodded his head, pursing his lips together. "I don't wanna' have to beat yo' dirty dog ass to death."

"What's stopping you?" Hennessy smirked making his blood boil. "Don't all dogs go to heaven?"

Kentrell lifted his hand to punch Hennessy but before his fist could even connect to her jaw, they both heard loud screeching tires making the both of them look around to see a black Honda Civic racing down the road with white smoke behind it.

"What in the hell?" Hennessy stood up before looking around to see Draco and Krystal no where in sight.

Kentrell finally looked away from the direction of the car and focused on what Hennessy was looking at. She raced over to the pair of Jordans that belonged to Draco. She looked around again only to see Krystal rubber ducky on the ground.

"They took my babies!" Hennessy yelled loudly as she ran around the park as Kentrell stood trying to process everything.

He could feel himself begin to shake at the thought of someone taking and harming his kids. He quickly pulled out his phone and sent a text to the private group chat everyone was in.

shut everything tf down and hack into every camera to find Kayden and Krystal. And I want every listen plate to an all black Honda Civic.

He slid his phone back into his pocket before looking up to see Hennessy still going crazy as warm tears slid down her now red face.

"Come on." He walked up to her and grabbed her arm but she snatched away.

"No! I need to find my fuckin-"

Kentrell sighed before picking her up tossing her over his shoulder. "I got everything under control, so chill mane." He said as she begin to beat on his back.

He could feel the back of his shirt get soaked by Hennessy tears as she slowly start to stop beating on him. She sobbed as he placed her in the passenger seat before getting in himself.

"It's gone be aight, baby girl. Trust me when I say we're goin' to have them back by tonight." Kentrell started the car before reaching over and grabbed her hand and drove with his other hand down the road.

Hennessy ignored him as she stared out the window. If she didn't have her babies back by tonight she was going to take matters into her own hands. She was going to do what Three taught her before he died and all hell was going to break loose.

have a curable STD or let your siblings die?

eat a roach for 1 million in cash or eat a worm for 10 million instagram followers?

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