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The next night Malakaih knocked on the door instead of sneaking in through Evy’s window. His mate opened the door almost instantly, and Malakaih felt great relief that she seemed more happy to see him given the circumstances of how they met.

“Hey, Mom and Dad are in the living room.” She took his hand and led them towards said room. Both parents sat on the loveseat adjacent to the nice recliner sofa.

“Hello Malakaih,” Cecilia said, smiling politely. Her hand rubbed Pierce’s knee in a comforting way. Pierce didn’t look as enthusiastic as his mate.

“Cecilia,” Malakaih acknowledged. “I hear you have some circumstances?”

“Yes, ah, Pierce here would like to have a party introducing you two officially as mates.”

“Alright, what else?”

Pierce answered this time. “Evelyn will go to college.”

Malakaih turned towards Evy. “Where?”

He knew he might not like the answer when she winced. “University of Southern California?”

Malakaih breathed in through his nose, and out through his mouth. It was a two hour run between his home and the campus, almost six hours if he wanted to drive.

She will be in her fathers territory, she will be safe. His wolf said.

Which side are you on? First you want her in Ajo immediately and now it’s fine for her to be hours away at a place with bunches of hormonal human males?

If they know what's best, they’ll stay away. But if you mark her before the term, no one will approach her in that manner.

Malakaih snorted in his mind. Didn’t work out for my father did it?

He’s gone Malakaih, do not open old wounds.

He heeded his wolfs request, and looked at Pierce and Cecilia. “That’s fine. Are there any other circumstances?”

The female nodded. “We would like her to be able to visit us anytime we ask. A few holidays here and there. Birthdays. The works.”

“Um, I’m right here,” Evelyn piped in. “And he can’t keep me locked up. No way jose. Not happening. Not possible. Comprende?”

Malakaih would growl and kiss her refusal away, but because they were in the presence of those who most wanted her innocent, he refrained, and cracked his knuckles.

“Now,” Evy rose and patted his head, like a dog. “If you’ll excuse me. I only have a few more hours to get some progress on my portfolio and spend time with Issy.”

He followed his feisty mate with his eyes out of the room, and then turned them towards the others. Pierce stood too, chuckling as he shook his head.

“I don’t think we’ll have any problems Cecilia.” He slapped Malakaih’s back when he passed him. “Good luck with my daughter Malakaih. I expect you to treat her like a queen.”

Oh, I do. In every way.

“I told you there was a man coming for you! I told you!”

Issy stomped her little foot and crossed her arms, face puckered and rosy.

“Issy, baby, it would eventually happen,” Evy cooed to her. She did not expect this temper tantrum when she entered the little girls room.

“Please don’t leave Evy! Don’t leave!” Is crawled to Evy and latched herself to her leg. “I won’t let you. If you leave, then I do!”

Evy pulled Issy-with much effort-away from her leg, and set her on her princess bed.

“Isabelle Rhiannon Harvey,” Evy warned. “You will stop throwing this hissy fit and act like a lady.”

There were only two people who Issy truly listened to, her mother and her eldest sister. Between the two, Evy won in loyalty.

“Sorry,” the little girl said grudgingly. “But I don’t want you to leave.”

“I know sis, I know.” She sat down next to her. “But one day, when you’re as old as me, a man will come in your life. He’ll sweep you off your feet like a prince and give you everything you want. He’ll make you laugh and cry, and he’ll be one the best things that’ll ever happen to you.”

“But what about you?” The sniffles signaled that Issy was now about to cry.

“I’ll be a few hours away.” Evy smiled to reassure her. “I’ll come a lot. I’ll be there for your most of your gymnastics competitions and cheer you on the most in the crowd.”

Issy giggled at the thought. “Not all of my competitions.”

“You can’t have everything in life,” Evy said, shrugging.

“When can I meet the man?” Issy asked suddenly.

With the new and lightened mood, Evy smiled. “Tomorrow baby girl. After lunch.”

“Is he nice?”

Evy bumped shoulders with her little sister. “Most of the time. When he’s not, he gets the wrath of a women!”

“Can you tell me more?”

And until it was way past Issy’s bedtime and their mother had to wrap it up, Evy told her little sister everything she wanted to know about the man who would soon be her family.

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