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Multiple howls echoed through the forest. Hundreds of paws pounded in the dirt ground and stampeded over roots, fallen leaves, anything in the way. The air was crisp and moist, warning whatever it touched that a storm was brewing, ready to unleash it’s heavenly ocean.

Evy inhaled the fresh air as her paws stealthily maneuvered her around obstacles, making sure to keep up with her parents strong forms. Her twin, Asher, wasn’t far behind, as he was just as strong, fast, and smart-if not more- as her.

Sometimes, Malorie, their eldest sister, would join in on the race to catch up with the Alpha’s, but since she found her mate, she’d been more adamant on running next to Uriah.

Every month, on the moon’s first breath of skylight, the pack of Sea Cliff gathered and ran under it’s bright beams. Though Evy had only been running with the pack on full moon’s for a few years, she felt like she’d done it her whole life.

In reality she had, though it was with her parents and brother alone.

The strong baritone of the Alpha’s howl had every wolf follow him towards the clearing where they’d abandoned their clothings and all sense of being human. It was where they forgot their worries of their lives and just… ran.

“Before everyone leaves, I have an announcement to make,” her father began once everybody was dressed. Evy was acutely aware that he was glancing at both her and Asher. “As you all know, Asher and Evelyn’s eighteenth birthday is a week away, and I am inviting all available to come to their birthday the day before.”

The people around the twins began hugging them, congratulating them and assuring them they would come. Evy smiled politely, but more than ever she just wanted to go home back to her little sister Issy and paint her adorable face.

“You may all leave now,” her mom told them all. The Alpha wrapped his arm strongly around her, and she smiled up at him. Everybody, including Evy, bowed their heads before leaving. She and her brother stayed behind to wait for their parents as everybody left.

“I noticed some competition between you two again,” her father said once the clearing was, well, cleared.

Evy hugged him. “Playful racing,” she chuckled. Asher shoved her, and they began a brawl on the ground.

“Alright that’s enough you two,” their mother tore them apart, slapping the backs of their heads before pointing towards her mate, “you started their like of one-upping each other.”

“I did not.”

She slapped the back of his head too before kissing his cheek, smiling. “Alright,” she said, “lets get home. Becker and Trent have probably tortured Casey to tears by now.”

Asher laughed, “torture by the tickle monster?”

“You don’t know what happened last time I left them home alone together.”

“What happened?”

“When I went shopping with Leila two weeks ago we came back home and Casey was crying her eyes out because Becker put peanut butter in her hair and Trent lost her turtle.”

“Wait, where were we for this?” Evy asked her mother.

“You guys went with Justin and Vittoria to the beach and then to the Mayday Parade concert, remember?”

“I remember now. Yeah, we came home and the house was a wreck.”

Their mom nodded, “that was the boys and Casey.”

A question popped up into Evy’s mind, “why did Casey get in trouble this morning though.”

Their father snickered, but stopped when he saw his mate’s glare. “Let’s just say she made sure that Becker and Trent will never want to eat cereal again.”

“Ah man, I wish I saw that, they totally had it coming,” Asher laughed.

“Two wrongs don’t make a right,” their mother admonished.

“Yeah yeah, haven’t heard that all my life,” Asher rolled his eyes.

“You may be turning eighteen next week, but I still have six days where you are legally my ‘slave’, would you like to hear what I can do?”

Evy laughed quietly when she saw her brother’s face pale as he audibly gulped.

“Thats what I thought. Now lets get home.”

Issy’s room was quiet and dark, the way she liked it. Her curtains blocked any natural or manmade light from entering.

Evy was able to see Issy’s small frame curled up in bed with her advanced vision. Only her head was peeking out from under the covers.

“Evy?” Issy’s eyes opened, the silver a beautiful trait added to her cute little face.

“Hey Isabelle,” Evy sat down on her bedside, stroking her little sisters head.

“How was it?”

“It was alright,” Evy smiled down at her, “but I’d rather be here with you.”

“I would too,” Issy giggled, “lay with me.”

“Your beds too small Iss.”

“Please?” Her wide bright eyes begged.

Evy could never go against Isabelle’s eyes nor face, and sighed. “Come with me to my room, we’ll lay down there.”

Second’s later, Issy was scuttling out of bed and and next door to Evy’s room.

Iss was already cuddled in Evy’s king size bed when she entered the room. Evy shook her head, chuckling, “you’re too cute.”

“Come on come on!”

Evy pulled out pajamas from the dresser and changed in her ensuite bathroom before crawling into bed with Iss.

“I can’t wait to run with you guys,” Issy sighed.

“That’s a while Iss,” Evy chuckled.

“What’s it feel like?”

She smiled remembering the feel. “It feels like you're free. You run with no limits, you can howl your heart out, it feels otherworldly.”

“What’s that mean?”

Issy hadn’t started pre-school yet, and was attending in the fall.

“Otherworldly means it feels like it’s not real, it feels awesome, super.”

“Oh! I feel that when I’m on a swing!”

Evy kissed Issy’s head, “exactly. Now go to sleep.”

“You won’t put me in my bed when I fall asleep?”

She shook her head, “no, you’ll be here in the morning, as will I.”

“Okay then,” Issy snuggled against Evy, and shut her eyes. Almost immediately she began to snore softly.

Evy followed her lead and rested her head on the pillow and closed her eyes. She too, fell asleep minutes later.

So I have done it for you all! I have made a sequel for Shadow Dancer! I hope you're happy and expect to see lots of reads, votes, and comments!

To begin with the story I would like to present to you the actress for Evelyn Harvey, Ashley Greene!

Also, the song will be Run Away by Megan and Liz!

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