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Evy didn’t know how to react Malakaih as he said her full name, shook his head as if astonished, kissed her roughly -and hotly- on the lips, before pulling her into a standing position and dragging her downstairs to the awaiting party.

We will talk later,” he practically snarled out into her ear. She shivered as goosebumps rolled over her skin.

A few steps away from the bottom, Malakaih stopped them, a hand firmly around her waist. And she knew with that gesture that she wasn’t straying far from him tonight.

The crowd parted, and Evy’s father and mother walked up and stood at the foot of the stairs. The older male, too, had a possessive grip on his mate while he sipped on his beverage.

“Sea Cliff, Midnight Mountain,” her fathers authoritative voice rang with loud, rambunctious tones as he gestured to the werewolves around him. “We have all been awaiting this day when your Alpha and our dear Evelyn found each other. Albeit I say it’s a little early.” Chuckles went around the room. “But nonetheless, our Luna had brought the two together in a union stronger than a promise and stronger than marriage.”

“Hey! We got married!” Evy watched in amusement as her mother slapped the back of her husbands head. Only she was able to do that and truly get away with it.

“So to Malakaih and Evy,” he said, ignoring his wife with a grin. “To them. And the start of their era. My daughter will be a great Luna to the Midnight Mountain pack, and a great mate to my dear friend, Malakaih. Cheers!”

“Cheers!” Everyone chorused.

“Food will be ready soon, for now, enjoy!”

Malakaih’s grip didn’t lessen as they descended the stairs. Evy was able to awkwardly hug the females who approached her and nodded to the men who acknowledged. Malakaih only smiled and nodded at them all. Though Evy could tell all he really wanted to do was be alone to deal with their situation. His smile was as tight as his arm around her.


Her thoughts were scattered. In the now and what will happen when the party ends, when it’s the we’ll talk later, portion of the night.

It couldn’t come soon enough.

Her admission pissed him off to the core of his being.

Him? Not like her feelings toward him. No way in hell he couldn’t like how she felt.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t bring himself to let Evy out of a three foot radius of him. Every once in a while during the night she sent him a glance of annoyance or frustration. But alas, he wanted to prove to her that what she thought was the complete opposite of what he cared for.

It was with great relief that the night ended with a flourish. The food was delicious, the air between the two packs was comfortable, wears congratulated the couple, wishing them luck and fortune. He even got to have a brief meeting of the other Harvey children, including Issy, who was as adorable as Evy led him to believe.

Malakaih took away each flute of champagne Evy picked up from servants trays the minute she reached for them. They may not get drunk easily, but he wanted his mate clear minded when they spoke.

“I hate you,” Evy muttered to him when they bid the partygoers goodnight and went upstairs to bed.

“No you don’t.” He pulled her into the room and shut the door, locking it for good measure, before turning towards her.

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