Chapter seven

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red hot fire blasted from a crystal carving of a troll and singed Jim's armor as he rolled out of the way of the stream of fire. as soon as Jim rolled up into a standing position, another carved troll appeared and shot arrows at him which he had to swiftly whack away with his sword.

"always be afraid," Blinky told Jim sternly as he fended off another stream of arrows "fear heightens your senses, fear keeps you alive!"

Jim finished nocking away the arrows and leaned on his sword with a confident grin. or he did until he was hit in the back with a flying rock and face-planted on the ground with a surprised yell of pain.

"arrogance gets you killed" blinky added disapprovingly to Jim as he lay face first on the stone floor.

"I'll have to remember that" Jim groaned as he lifted his face off the ground to look at blinky.

"Draal, however, does not fear you" blinky continued as he hoisted Jim off the ground. "that will be his weakness, but not yours"

"yeah" I snorted "he'll probably be wetting his armor"

"and that will be your strength" Blinky insisted to Jim as he shoved Jim back up.

as Jim regained his stance, the troll hewn out of crystal popped up again and started firing rocks at Jim. this time, Jim kept his stance and advanced towards the statue with newfound determination.

"oh yeah!" Toby encouraged Jim as he jogged at the side of the arena with me and Aaarrrgghh, "looking good Jimbo, feel the burn!"

it was funny seeing him trying to work out. he even had a sweatband! I thought that only my grandmother wore those and even that, was when she was in her twenty's.

"if Jim's getting fit then im getting fit" Toby explained to us and held up a fitness tracker that was strapped to his wrist. the tracker gave off at loud beep as Toby continued, "don't want to be too big" he added.

Aaarrrgghh grunted questioningly and glanced at his oversized hand. toby immediately started telling him that there was nothing wrong with being big in an effort to spare his feelings.

"but if I'm gonna have Jim's back, I gotta be nimble" Toby told Aaarrgghh and me.

Aaarrrgghh nodded approvingly and started imitating Toby, who was loudly exclaiming about his new achievement of walking a hundred feet (and I thought I was unfit) as Jim ran past, knocking away projectiles with his sword.

"I think being afraid, is the one rule that I - Oh!" Jim started to jokingly state as a fresh statue appeared and fired a volley of blades at him. he ducked just in time and the blades embedded themselves into the statue behind him with faint thuds just as the statue set itself on fire. "excel at".

"no master Jim" Blinky insisted "you must excel at all three. if trolls are ever going to embrace you as trollhunter, you must ignore you're humanly instincts".

Jim took a deep breath and with a shout of determination, threw his sword at the carved crystal troll. it landed right between its eyes. I shuddered, it would not be nice to be on the receiving end of that throw. Blinky stared dumbfounded at Jim.

"do that" he stated proudly "and I have no doubt you will defeat Draal"

as he finished his sentence Draal walked in laughing with another troll who I assume was his friend.

"look" Draal sneered at Jim "it's training. cute."

he and his goon walked away, laughing. as Jim stared nervously after the trolls.

"mother of Zeus" I muttered angrily under my breath " I never knew someone could look so punchable."

"let your fear keep you alive!" Blinky encouraged Jim, "let his arrogance lead him astray. defeat him, and you'll make history."

the next day, at the museum:

"I know contemporary media might lead you to believe European history is full of swords, sorcery, and scandal." Namora told us passionately "I assure you, the truth is far more interesting. and there's no better place to start than renaissance era pottery."

everyone except me and Eli moaned unhappily.

"uh, since we have limited time, Ms. Namora, perhaps it's best if they explore the museum on their own. don't you think?"

as much as I loved Namora, I really didn't want to spend my day looking at pottery so I rushed off into the museum with the others. as I wandered through the shadowy archways and endless rooms filled with cobwebby artifacts and dusty paintings. I entered an unfamiliar corridor that finished in a dead end when I noticed a seemingly familiar statue of a stunningly beautiful woman. it was so beautiful that it didn't seem real which, of course, it wasn't. the statue, which was carved from stone, seemed to pulse darkness, but it didn't frighten me, instead it comforted me like a warm blanket does on a cold night. it was then I noticed that the woman was clasping something in her slender fingers. I reached forward to see what it was but the woman's fingers crumbled away like dust at my touch. the thing she was holding fell onto the floor with a metallic clang and all I saw was I blur of green and gold. I reached under the pedestal to retrieve the object that had dropped and felt the unmistakable grove of a metallic object and -

"(Y/N)" Toby yelled at me as he and Jim came thundering around the corner "we have a problem."

outside Eli's house

"viola" Toby exclaimed, pointing at the squashed carcass of a green possum-like creature as Jim poked it with a stick.

"not viola" Aaarrrgghh growled "goblin."

"a goblin?" I questioned disbelievingly

"ruthless tricksters" Binky replied angrily "petty street vandals who leave a wake of destruction. this is not good."

"Because it's always so great when goblins are involved"I murmured sarcastically.

"Welp" Jim interrupted as he stood up and threw the stick down the street "justice has been served. we should get back and train for Draal."

"Oh no master Jim" Blinky answered gravely "where there is one there is many. and, for the unfortunate soul who ran over this small fellow, may Shaargen's swift blade have mercy!"

blinky spat in the palms of his hands and held them to his chest in salute of the person who had run over the goblin as if he was already at his funeral.

"Why would they need mercy?" I asked curiously.

"Naturally, goblin payback is tenfold" Blinky explained sadly.

"Are you saying that whoever ran this guy over is in serious trouble?" Jim questioned Blinky worriedly.

Blinky was about to reply when Toby shouted out and we all turned our attention to him.

"Look guys!" He yelled "a delivery driver left a sticky note on Eli's house!"

He paused for a moment to let it sink in.

"Wait for it." He continued "the goblin might have been squashed by the delivery truck!"

To be honest I'm surprised he had enough brain cells to come to that conclusion.

"Wait, give me that" Jim said as he hurriedly grabbed the sticky note out of Toby's hand and read it, "if the driver's returning at eight, then we need to be there too! I'm not going to get some poor guy become goblin chow on my watch!"

"Master Jim!" Blinky chuckled proudly "answering the call!"

I gotta admit, that boy's quite the hero.

"I did have a late night of reading wattpad on my schedule, but I think I can fit in a stakeout" I grinned.

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