I Need Your Opinion - IMPORTANT

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Congratulations Geoff and Chloe (and rory) !!!

I can't believe they've had a kid but they're going to be amazing!

That being said, i now feel unsure about this book. It's not that i feel weird writing it while Geoff is a parent, or anything like that, i just don't want to make anyone else uncomfortable.

I would love to continue writing story and even finish the next book I had planned, which is why i need your opinion

Do you want me to continue this story?

Furthermore, in the third book I had planned, Geoff and Awsten had a child at the end of it.

Should that still be the plot?

Like I said, I don't want to stop writing but it's up to you - my audience. Do you want to see this book end now or after the third book?

PLEASE let me know!

- Little Star

EDIT : straight away I had people telling me they wanted this book to continue so that's what I'll do. I'll take this series all the way to the end of the third book and finish my other books.

Thank you so much for enjoying this story and supporting it. It makes me so so happy.
The next chapter will be up soon, i promise!

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