Ch.6 | Percy

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S U C H    T H I N G


There's something about waking up to a fresh pot of coffee, that just makes you love your freaking life.

After I get ready for the day, I walk downstairs and immediately pour a cup of coffee for myself. I add in the necessary cream and sugar, and then take a seat at the island in the middle of the kitchen. I lean my elbows against the cool granite counter top as I inhale the delicious aroma of the brewed happiness resting in between my hands.

"Hey sweetie, how'd you sleep?" My mom says as she enters the kitchen, still trying to tie her hair up in a high ponytail.

"Not so bad. You?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Honestly? I almost threw my alarm clock across my bedroom." She sighs with a slight smirk on her face. She walks over and pours herself a cup of coffee, before taking a seat right across from me.

I lean over and pull a banana from the small fruit basket, and hand it to her. She smiles gratefully as she opens the banana and takes a bite.

"The good news is I'll be home tonight. We should do something!" She smiles wide.

"Really?" My face brightens immensely at her words.

"Of course! We can order some dinner, maybe put a movie in. How's that sound?"

"It sounds amazing mom. Can't wait." I smile as I take my own banana and get up to walk over and put my cup in the sink after rinsing it.

"Cool, see you then." She chirps as she stands up and heads for the front door. "Have a good day!"

"You too mom!" I shout, as she is already half-way out of the door.

I take my mom's cup that she so wonderfully left on the counter and rinse it out for her. After I finish my banana, I throw the peel away and grab my bag from the dining room table. As I lock up the house and turn around to get into my car, I hear a rumbling of a truck coming down the road.

Please don't be James. Please don't be James.

As luck would have it, sure enough James' black ford comes rolling down the street and stops directly in front of my driveway on the side of the road.

"Ugh." I audibly sigh.

"Gee, thanks. You're so kind in the mornings Sky." I hear James say as he rolls down the passenger window to look at me.

"Why are you here? Again?" I question.

"To drive you to school. Get your cute behind in this truck." He smirks.

I feel my cheeks beginning to burn, so I shake my head as I go to get into his truck anyway.

Once I close the door and buckle myself in, I lean back against the seat but immediately regret it.

"Morning sunshine!" A very loud voice booms next to my ear, which causes me to jump about ten feet, hitting my head against the roof of the truck in the process.

"What the hell!" I shout as I turn around and come face to face with a smirking Ian.

"Someone's grumpy this morning." He pouts.

I turn and give James a death glare.

"Yeah, sorry. He's riding with us today." James shrugs as he pulls away from the curb and starts driving toward school.

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