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Group chat: "Queen"
Members: "Brian, Freddie, Roger, John"
Brian: GUYS
Brian: I just finished talking to that guy who said that he'd be interested in making a recording deal with us and !!!!
Brian: He said we could start recording next week if we we're to sign the contract tonight
Roger: are u for real right now
Roger: i feel like i could cry but i wont
Brian: Don't you mean "our" talent?
Freddie: No
John: woah i never thought we'd make it this far.. how cool B-)
Freddie: John... you could sound a bit more enthusiastic about this
Freddie: We get to make our own album
Freddie: With our names on it
Brian: Don't get too excited yet! We still have to read the contract!
John: bri's right! we can't sign anything until we've read it and understand what every sentence on it means
Roger: wow deaky's getting serious
John: :-)
Freddie: But what are we waiting for ????? Let's go to that guy and read the goddamn contract !!!!
Freddie: John, could you come and pick me up, please?
John: ok. send me your location and i'll be there
Brian: Why can't your boyfriend pick you up?
Freddie: I don't want to die tonight
Roger: are u suggesting that i'm a bad driver ??????
Freddie: Yes. Yes I am.
Freddie: The speed limits are there for a reason
Roger: u're a bad boyfriend :(
Freddie: That's why i'm breaking up with you and marrying Deaky ;)
Brian: Excuse me ?!?
Freddie: Your man is now mine
Freddie: You can't stand in the way of true love
Brian: Good luck signing the contract without a guitarist. I'm quitting.
Roger: and without a drummer!!
John: i leave for a few minutes and we lose two members wow
Freddie: Don't worry, darling! It's not your fault!
John: :-/
John: come back bri
John: i dont know how to survive in this band without you
Brian: Fine <3 But only if you promise you'll never leave me for Fred
Freddie: Wow
John: i won't !
Roger: doesn't anyone miss me?
Freddie: I guess I do :/ Will you be my drummer again?
Roger: yes but only because i like kissing you xoxo
John: smooth
Freddie: Can't wait to meet you at the contract signing so I can kiss you again
Roger: tell deaks to drive as fast as he can
Roger: i miss your lips
Brian: You really can't spend one second without seeing each other now that you're finally dating. Amazing.
John: that could be us but you playing
Brian: We could kiss too, you know
John: i'd like that a lot
Brian: See you soon!

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