Leave Him

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Roger: umm

Roger: bri told freddie what's going on and he told me

Roger: but fred made me swear that i wouldn't talk to you abt it

Roger: which is why i'm texting u bc i think u deserve to kno this

Roger: as long as u delete these mssgs after u've read them

John: so what's going on? 

John: is it something bad?

Roger: he cheated on u

John: no he didn't

John: he would never

Roger: aaahhh i hate this fuck u brian

Roger: he did

Roger: but he didn't have sex i dont think

Roger: just a bj

John: im

John: i didn't want to know that

John: i just

John: i never thought he would do this

Roger: he doesn't exactly have a good dating recording u know

Roger: me and fred should have told u

Roger: he's done stuff like this before

Roger: fucked up a perfectly good relationship for nothing

Roger: if u want me to i will kill him

Roger: he deserves it

John: rog i think u need to come over

Roger: why 

Roger: im not sure if i can

Roger: freddie's gonna wanna kno why

John: i think i'm about to have a panic attack?

John: and i don't know how to deal with that alone

Roger: o shit

Roger: ill be there

Roger: im gonna have to tell freddie tho

Roger: what's going on 

Roger: not that u kno abt brian

Roger: and freddie will come along so prepare for that

John: that's ok

Roger: we're on our way

Roger: just hang in there

Roger: deep breaths ok?

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