Chapter 6

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The next morning when I woke up, I dreaded going into work. In fact, all I really wanted to do was stay in and sleep the day away. However, I knew that wasn't possible. So, I got my big ass up out of my bed and walked into my kitchen and started up my coffee maker. My body felt as if it were completely drained of any energy. Hell, I felt like going back into my room and crawling back in the bed and shutting the rest of the world out.

However, I knew that I couldn't do that because there was too much shit that needed to be done today. And the number one thing on my list this morning was that I had to go pick up my key to the Sunset Hotel and to meet up with the contractor that we normally used when we either needed to have a house built for either me, Aleksei or Boris. Or if we needed to have a something remolded.

Overall, our contractor, Leo. Was a pretty good guy when he wanted to be. Most of the time he was hanging out at the Ruby Rose, always blowing his money on strippers that he found interesting. Not that I really gave a shit though considering that the more of his money he blew on women and booze the more I got back in revenue. Which actually made me quite happy.

With my coffee finished brewing, I grabbed a coffee cup with a lid and pour some of the hot, dark liquid into my cup and took a swig, not caring about how hot the drink actually was. I placed my cup onto the kitchen table and pulled out my phone and called Aleksei to meet me at my office before we went to get the key from the real estate agent.

The phone rang for several minutes before Aleksei answered. "Do you know what time it is? Why are you calling me so damn early in the morning? Pakhan."

"It's nine o'clock, you fucking moron. Now get off your ass and on your feet and meet me at my office in twenty minutes." I said in an annoyed tone.

I heard Aleksei huff in a aggerated tone before I heard him speak. "Alright, Pakhan. I'll see you in a few then." He said before he hung up the phone.

Mumbling angrily to myself I placed my phone back onto my kitchen table with a loud thump and then walked back to my room and showered, shaved and dressed and then went back to the kitchen and grabbed the rest of my things and headed out the front door, locking it behind me.

Once outside, I got into my car and sat my coffee down into the cupholder and then cranked the car and drove off to my office which I arrived at in a matter of minutes. I parked my car and turned off the engine and then grabbed my coffee cup and stuck my phone into my pants pocket and walked inside the Ruby Rose and then took the elevator up to my office and unlocked it and went inside, sat down at my desk.

As I waited on Aleksei to arrive, I decided to send a text message to Hailey, just to wish her a good morning.

"Hello, sunshine. Did you have a good night's sleep?"

I hit send and waited for several minutes. But, still didn't hear any response from her. I figured that I would just wait and see if she responded later. So, I signed several items that needed to be signed before the day was over with and then stuffed them into my desk tray.

Feeling a need for my morning vodka, I pulled open my desk drawer and pulled out the bottle and then grabbed a glass from a nearby cabinet and as soon as I poured my drink into my glass, in walked Aleksei with a tired look on his face. Looking at him for a few minutes, I could see that he didn't even brush his hair before he came into work.

I shook my head back and forth a bit and smirk a bit in amusement and then pointed toward the bathroom and said. "There is an extra comb in the bathroom that is brand new. Go in there and brush your hair and we will get going."

I watched as Aleksei nodded in tired silence and then walked off to the office bathroom and brushed his hair and then came back to my office, ready to go. I grabbed my things and we left and went outside and got inside the SUV. I was nervous about Aleksei driving considering how tired he still looked so I said to Boris. "It's your turn to drive."

Aleksei looked over at me with an annoyed look and said. "I'm fine, I can drive. I might have had a close to sleepless night last night. But, I promise you that I can drive."

"The hell you are. Now, get over in the passenger seat and take a nap until we get to real estate office." I said. A bit angered.

With that Aleksei and Boris traded places and we drove off with Aleksei napping in the passenger seat. Once we arrived at the real estate office, I woke Aleksei up and we got out and went inside to see Brad. However, Brad wasn't here this morning because according to his secretary, he was out showing homes that his office was trying to sell. But, that he left the key for her to give to me which I got it from her and thanked her before we left.

After getting the key, Aleksei and I got back into the SUV and then drove off towards the hotel. Once we arrived at the hotel, I could see Leo standing outside his work truck and messing around with his phone. As Boris parked the SUV, I mumbled to myself. "Well, thank fucking god. That he actually decided to show up." I said to myself and then reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out one of my favorite Cuban cigars and lit one up for a bit of stress relief.

Getting out of the SUV, I closed the door behind me and then walked over to Leo with both Aleksei and Boris in tow. As we walked to the entryway of the hotel I never heard one peep come out of Leo's mouth which was a big shock considering how much of a talker the bastard was.

I unlocked the entryway and we all walked in and had a look around. I could tell that the place had been sitting abandoned for quite a while considering the way that ceiling looked so damn water damaged. One look at the walls told me that they needed some work done to them, along with a fresh paint job. As we walked around I told Leo the things that I needed fixed asap. And the entire time I watched him nod at my request and wrote what I wanted done down in a little notebook.

We walked around the hotel for a couple more minutes and I decided that I was going to go outside to the SUV to get my cup of coffee that I had left. However, as soon as I walked out of the hotel. I saw something that shocked me to my core.

Over on the other side of the road, I could see a Miami police car. But, that wasn't what shocked me so much that I lost my cigar. It was the fact that I could clearly see Hailey dressed in full police uniform giving a driver a ticket. I couldn't believe what I had just saw. I mean I even thought that my mind was trying to play tricks on me.

So, I rubbed my eyes and checked again, only to realize that they weren't. Still reeling from what I had just seen I quickly grabbed my cup of coffee and ran back inside the hotel until I figured she was gone. No matter how much I tried I still couldn't wrap my mind around the idea that Hailey. My Hailey was a damn cop.

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