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Five years later

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Five years later

I breathe agitatedly as I stumble forwards, dagger ready to kill the witch, but she's not there

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I breathe agitatedly as I stumble forwards, dagger ready to kill the witch, but she's not there. I look around confused. It is daytime, but, how can that be? just a second ago the sun was setting over the horizon, and, when did the snow melt?!? What the hell is going on?!? Am I dead?!?

It didn't feel like it. Surely I'd remember dying.

I am still in the same place surrounded by the same Narnians from a second ago, only these Narnians seem different, they are untied and a lot happier than they seemed before the witch turned me into stone.

I turn around and find even more Narnians, all dressed in armor.

I turn to my right and am met by a lion, a big golden lion looking at me.

It can't be, can it? "Aslan?" I inquire.

"Yes" he answers with a deep kind voice.

"What happened?" I ask him confused.

He looks at me with sad eyes and I hear the Narnians speaking in hushed tones behind me.

"The witch turned you into a statue many years ago, just before doing the same to these good Narnians" He tells me as he turns to the narnians infront of me.

"The Witch? Is she dead?" I ask.

"No princess. She still lives." 

"How long was I...?" 

"Five years" He explains.

Wow. Five years of my life gone, just like that.

"What has happened?" 

"A lot," he tells me. "Come, we have much to do if we are to defeat the white witch."

I follow him into the open, with the rest of the Narnians following closely.

As we walk Aslan tells me what happened. The witch turned me into stone, to make an example that no humans would be tolerated in Narnia.

Upon hearing this, my parents attacked Narnia but the Witch's forces were far too strong and defeated them. They were forced to retreat back to Datram and wait for the great prophecy to be fulfilled. 

But Aslan reassures me that the prophecy is now unfolding and that the witch will soon be defeated, for the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve are now in Narnia making their way to us.

As he finished telling me this, we reached his camp, which is not far from where we were. The Narnians are setting up the camp, putting up tents, forging armour, sharpening blades... We reach the heart of the camp and a dryad approaches, bowing before us. Aslan tells her to show me my tent and tells me that I should get cleaned up and meet him outside his tent when I'm done. It's not a bad idea, apparently, it has been years since my last bath. 

I follow the dryad to a red and orange tent to the left of Aslan's tent. She introduces herself as Kraneia, a dogwood tree dryad, and offers me water and food, all of which I gladly take. Then I follow her back out to a small river to get cleaned up. When I am done, I change into the clothes she hands me, a golden dress and a pair of brown leather boots, and we head back to my tent.

When we arrive we find food at the table inside. I sit down to eat, for I haven't had a proper meal in far too long, and she offers to braid my hair. She tells me that after killing me the witch got very paranoid about humans entering Narnia and had more spies looking out, but that after nearly a 100 years of winter, her power on the east was weakening thanks to my successful mission 5 years ago, which facilitated Aslan's return.

Once she finishes braiding my hair, she excuses herself out and I go check out my new hairstyle. 

She returns briefly carrying a sword.

"Is that my sword?" I ask her.

"Yes, princess. It was found not so long ago when the snow started melting and brought to camp," Kraneia explains.

I take my sword from her and examine it.

"Thank you," I tell her.

She bows and leaves me.

I finish getting ready and tie my sword belt to my hip before heading out.

I find a centaur talking with Aslan outside his tent. They seem to be looking at a map. I approach and they look up. 

"Imira, this is Oreius, commander of our forces," Aslan tells me.

"Pleasure to meet you," I tell him, nodding at him. 

"The pleasure is mine, Your Highness," he tells me with a solemn bow. "Thanks to your efforts our forces are getting stronger, soon we will be able to face the witch in battle and take back out country."

"Really? It's all happening now?" I ask them.

"Yes, the time has come to retake Narnia from the Witch," Aslan tells me.

"How can I help?" I ask, taking a step forward.

"How can I help?" I ask, taking a step forward

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I write a letter to my family, informing them of everything that has happened, and letting them know I am alive and well, and asking for them to send reinforcements for Aslan's army so we can defeat the witch. 

I sign the letter and head outside. I give it to a raven who will take it to Datram. Hopefully, my father will receive this news and send reinforcements in time for the battle.

I decide to go practice my swordplay at the arena they have set up. Soon after I arrive, Oreius offers to help me train. He gives me some pointers and after two hours of training, I have mastered all the moves he teaches me.

Afterwards, I go clean up and head over to have dinner with everybody else. Once I'm done, I excuse myself and head back to my tent to sleep, for it has been a very long and tiresome day. Hopefully, by noon tomorrow, I will receive a response from my father. 


𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒂: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑨𝒈𝒆 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝑰 (Narnia fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now