Wake up

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Darkness. Everywhere I look, there is darkness. The world around me is pitch black, except for a small circle around me. There's light, but I can't see any further than arm's length. Nothing has color except… me.

“Eww look at her!” Yells a shrill voice that belongs to a 10 year old.

I look around me to try to find the source of the voice, but everything around me is pitch black. Except the small circle of light that illuminates a small circle around me.

“Look at her, that MURDERER!” Screams another.

What? No, it wasn't like that. I-I never killed anyone. I just… I just… saw everything.

“Don't touch her! Unless of course you want to get blood all over you!”

I'm telling you it wasn't me…

“Murderer! Murderer!”

“She's probably planning on killing us all right now!”

“OMG you're right!”

No, I promise I'm not. I'd never do that.

“Get away from me MURDERER!”

I curl into a tight ball and start to cry. Tears stream from my eyes and trickle down my cheeks.

Why do they say these things about me? I've never done anything to them.

“Please… believe me when I say I didn't do it.”

My voice is squeaky and high pitched, like that of a crying 11 year old.

“Shut up! This is why you don't have any friends you whore!” Screams a disembodied voice.

That's it. That's all I need to reach my breaking point.

I lift my head and scream. My screams echo throughout the strange darkness and shattering it.

My vision is flooded with all sorts of colors and shapes. The colors don't blend well together making it look like one of those pictures I made for my sister when I was small. The shapes form a landscape, but it's kinda hard for me to figure out what it is. It looks like houses on hills but on the other hand it just looks like shapes and colors.

Just then, the colors swirl together forming more darkness.

I look around trying to find an exit when I see it, light. Glorious beautiful light.

I run towards it with my hand stretched outward. Finally light in this dark prison.

I'm almost there when the light fades to black.

So close, so so close.

I wake up dripping in a cold sweat.

It was a dream? Darn it!

I put my hand on my chest. My heart is beating rapidly and my breathing is heavy.

My room is dimly lit by the sunlight that dimly shines through the curtains.

Dark shades of teal cast an almost ominous shadow on my room signalling the early hours of light.

I groan and sit up in bed. My nose is flooded with the smells of the early morning; low tide, sand, and freshly cut grass. The scents blend together forming a smell of spring.

I swing my legs out of the bed and stand up to stretch. The dim light from the rising sun allows me to see the time on my clock. 6:26? Really? I woke up late today, I normally wake up around 5:30.

I walk over to the door and sigh. Will today be another crappy day, or will I actually have a good day.

As I'm about to open the door, I hear a soft knock followed by an even softer voice, “Yukino, get up.” Calls a voice from outside my door.

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