Not alone anymore

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I've always been a light sleeper. Whether it's because I'm used to being alert because of the constant grunting and thudding of my fellow members training, or because I always wake up from my constant nightmares, but the jumbling of a key being inserted into a lock and the click of a door being unlocked are loud enough for me to snap awake.

I get ready to attack whoever's at the door as I reach for my keys that hide under my pillow as I toss the sheets over my face.
I squeeze my eyes shut and get ready to attack when I hear a playful voice.
"You don't have to be so nervous Yukino," Says a familiar voice, "I could hear your breathing speed up."
I peer out from under the covers to see Sting-sama standing in front of me.

"Oh... uh... h-h-hello Sting-sama, how are you... d-doing?"
He sighs and throws the covers off me, "How you doing?"

I laugh shyly and sit up, "Sorry, I was just nervous."

The light from the moon allows me to faintly see the sadness in his eyes.

I frown, "Are you alright? You seem-"
Sting-sama's arms around me which causes me to tense up, but I relax as I'm pulled off my feet and against a Sting-sama's chest.
"Are you doing alright?" I ask shakily.

Sting-sama doesn't respond, he just pulls me closer.
Thankfully, the darkness that hide the light blush that spreads across my face. As our eyes meet, I notice the pain and sadness in his expression. My lips curve downward into a frown as I watched conflict swim around in his eyes.
"Did something happen, Sting-sama?" I ask softly.
"...Yukino, I... Do you... do you hate me?" He asks sadly
The pain flickers in his eyes is scary.

I place a cold hand against his cheek, "I could never hate you."
Sting-sama wimpers, "It's just... I... I've been..."
"Having nightmares?" I answer half-heartedly, "I've also been having nightmares," I confess.
"Yeah. Wait...what nightmares?" He growls almost angrily.
"I've always had them, you know. Voices in my head telling me..." I pause to wince at the memories, "...that... that I'm a weak, pathetic, embarrassing, sad excuse for a-"
Sting-sama's hands fall to his sides. "...Oh... I had no idea." He whispers as he buries his face in my hair.
"What about your dreams?" I ask.
"He's always there. In my nightmares. I see the bastard that I once was. I see him laughing at the enemies he defeated so easily, I see him killing so easily, and I see him... I see him making fun of you."
I shake my head and sit down as I gesture for him to sit down, "Why does it... matter so much?"

Sting-sama sits next to me and rests his head on my shoulder, "It matters if I hurt so many innocent people, especially the one I... I..."
I reach for his hand that's sitting next to me and lace my fingers through his as his breath gets caught at his own words. "Sting-sama... I don't-"
"I used to be one of them, Yukino! I used to... to laugh at you, I used to call you weak when it was me was..." He slows down when his voice raises, "...when it was me who was the weak..."
We both fall silent. I'm trying to find myself in a strange silence. Why is this so awkward all of a sudden? I love him and he's my best friend. Things shouldn't be like this, we're too close. In the tense silence, I'm first to move. I cup his cheek in my hand and smile.
"Look at me, Sting-sama," I say gently, blinking away the tears in my eyes, "I don't blame you. We both have our fair share of nightmares from our past... but... but we just have to talk about it. We have to be honest with each other... I know it sounds a little corny, but... but we have to be able to fully trust-."
"Yukino I know you stretched the truth about your depression. I know that it's been happening for a while." Bursts Sting-sama.

My eyes cast downwards, "You're lying."

He sighs, "I also know you don't really have depression, you have PTSD."

I growl and shoot to my feet, "What? You're lying. I'm fine, it's nothing. I'm fine. Why do you say that? Nothing is wrong and I told the whole truth!" I shout.

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