Final Visit

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Seven days, two hours, and thirty three minutes have passed since my last visit here. Today's the day that I'll find out if my worst fears are true. This time I asked Rogue-sama, Frosch-sama, and Lector-sama to come along with me and Sting-sama. It's such a scary experience for me, and I want my best friends with me when I find out. Whether it's nothing but a thought, or if I really am sick, I just want someone's shoulder to cry on if it's true, or a supportive friend that will be there to help celebrate. The only problem is that I'm not allowed to bring any of them into the office.

The meeting is short, but I get the news. When I walk out, I find the four of them waiting for me.

“So did you get the news?” Ask Sting-sama and Rogue-sama.

I nod as tears form in my eyes, “Y-yeah, I did.”

Sting-sama puts a hand on my shoulder, “Are you alright?”

I nod and smile, “I am now.”

Rogue-sama shakes his head, “What did he say? Are you gonna be alright?”

Should I tell them the truth? Or should I stretch the truth a bit?

I sigh and nod, “I’m going to be fine. He said I just have a more minor form of depression. It's not that serious, really.”

Stretch the truth. That's what I'm going with. Good to know.

No one says anything. What can they say. I have something and I'm not normal. I can't even remember if it's treatable or not. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

“Hey, Yuki.” Says Sting-sama as he grabs both of my shoulders, “Are you ok?”

Am I ok? Am I? All this time have I just been ignoring the fact that I have almost been such a big pessimist. It's been what, two and a half years? I've always felt this way since joining and rejoining Sabertooth, and the nightmares. Why won't they stop? I've tried everything I can to make them stop, and yet, they keep plaguing my dreams. Right now, none of that matters because I think I just lost my only opportunity to be normal. So no, I'm not ok.  I'll never be ok. My friends hate me. My sister hates me. I hate me. I'm never going to be ok. My life has always been miserable and it always will be.

“Yuki?” Asks Sting-sama.

I smile and nod, “I'm fine. Don't worry.”

I'm most definitely not fine.

Lector-sama laughs, “That's the Yukino I know, always fine.”

I laugh lightly, “Yeah… that's me. But how about we head home? I didn't wanna spend too much time here, it's stressing me out.”

Sting-sama drops his hands and smiles at me, “Whatever you want. But we want to know everything that happened and if there's anything we can do to help you through this.”

I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him close, “Thank you. You're all so sweet.”

It's a lie. They aren't my real friends. He isn't my real friend.

Rogue-sama sighs, “Do you wanna grab a bite to eat, or are you good?”

I release Sting-sama and sigh, “I just… I-I mean… yes. Yes I would like that.”

“Fro thinks so too!” Says Frosch.

We walk out the door and go grab ice cream.

Sting-sama gets vanilla chocolate swirl, Rogue-sama gets rocky road, Lector-sama and Frosch-sama both get mint chocolate chip, and I get sherbet.

This was a great idea. I've barely had a negative or a pessimistic thought, and I'm actually kind of enjoying myself.

“Good call on the ice cream Rogue.” Cheers Lector-sama

“Fro thinks so too!” Agrees the little cat… frog… whatever Frosch likes to be called.

I nod and take a spoonful of my sherbet, “I haven't enjoyed myself like this in a long time. This really was a wonderful idea.”

He laughs lightly, “Thanks, but I just wanted to cheer you up.”

“Well it wo-”

“What do you mean you haven't enjoyed yourself in a long time?” Interrupts Sting-sama.

I turn to look at him, “Why? What's it to you? It's not like you care.”

He growls and stands up, slapping his hands against the table, dropping his ice cream, “Stop it Yukino! Just stop it!”

I take another spoonful of ice cream and sigh, “You don't care about me, and you couldn't care less about how I'm doing or feeling because you see me as a weak mage who can't take care of herself, and you couldn't be more-”

“Shut up! You know damn well that I don't think any of those things so I don't get why you say I do.” He says angrily.

I glare at him, “You've always felt this way and you always will. That's why you came with me last week, you thought I couldn't take care of myself.”

“Guys, calm down can't we all work this out?” Asks Lector-sama.

I turn and glare at him, “Shut it furball.”

Lector-sama’s eyes go by wide as he shuts his mouth. Where is all this anger coming from? I didn't mean to make Lector-sama upset, honest. I don't know what to do. I'm out of control!

“You're taking this too far Yukino,” Says Rogue-sama.

“Fro thinks so too.”

I am aren't I? I can't control it. Please help. I'm scared and I don't know what to do about it.

“Stop it Yukino,” Scolds Sting-sama, “What's wrong with you? Why are you lashing out like this?”

I'm scared, that's why. I'm terrified of what you think of me. I didn't even tell you the full truth and I'm scared of what you think.

I shake my head, “I'm sorry. I'm just, a little stressed right now. I apologise everyone, I didn't mean for things to go this far.”

I look down at Sting-sama’s melting ice cream then back up at him, “I-I'm sorry about your ice cream. I'll buy you a new one?”

Sting-sama shakes his head, “No it's fine. Just give me a bite of yours and I'll be good.”

Rogue-sama chuckles, “How childish.”

Sting-sama takes a spoonful of my sherbet and pops it in his mouth, “Thanks Yuki.”

I laugh and stick the spoon back in the ice cream, “It's nothing. Really.”

We finish our ice cream and leave. The train’s working today so we take that, much to Sting-sama and Rogue-sama’s dismay. They're being noticeably quiet. It's no secret that they're trying to keep quiet because of how I am. I can clearly see how sick the two of them are.

Soon we're back home and Rogue-sama and Frosch-sama leave almost immediately leaving me, Lector-sama, and Frosch-sama alone.

I turn to Sting-sama to see him breathing heavily. I open my mouth to say something, but he rushes away before I have the chance to say anything.

I walk to my room. Once I get there I lay down and try to fall asleep.

Whoo! That's right, only one chapter left until we're done with this story. Let's go! I honestly am ready to be done with this story. Plus, I have the next story already prewritten so, points for thinking ahead! There might be changes in the update schedule so stay tuned for that, but everything else will be revealed in the next chapter.
Peace out homies and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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