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Sting-sama growls his expression getting angrier and angrier with each passing second, "Look kid, I'm not here for you, I'm here for my friend."

"Yeah you tell 'er Sting!" Cheers a familiar voice.

I turn my head to see Lector not far behind him smiling wildly at him.

"Lector-sama, what are you two doing here?" I ask weakly as I try to sit up.

Lector-sama comes over to me and smiles, "Isn't it obvious? We came for you." He says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I laugh flatly, "Aww... L-lector-s-sama... y-you guys really shouldn't have come."

"Of course we came, you're our nakama."

Tears start to form in my eyes, "You're so sweet..."

I turn my attention back to Sting-sama who looks like he's about to blow a fuse, "Why did you take her? Answer me!"

Yima-sama laughs, "Have you forgotten about the deal you made with my dad?"

A deal? He made a deal?

He gasps, "That was your dad?"

She nods, "I get to play with her for a bit and get 2 million jewel, and he'll provide you with the help you need."

He shakes his head, "I said no hurting her! The deals off!"

Sting-sama did this to me? He made a deal for stupid help? I thought we were friends.

I look at Sting-sama who now has poor Yima-sama pinned up against the wall.

"Now I want you to listen to me and I want you to listen good. This is Yukino. She's the nicest, sweetest, most supportive person you'll ever have the pleasure of meeting. Sure I made a stupid mistake and yes I'm sad about it, but Yukino's worth everything to me, and I'm not letting you get away with this."

I smile lightly, "He's so sweet."

"And since you hurt her, I'm debating on whether or not I should kill you and you dad." Says Sting-sama angrily.

No, Sting-sama shouldn't kill anyone no matter what the reason. I'm not worth him bloodying his hands for.

"Sting-sama..." I say as I rise to my feet, "Please... d-don't kill her."

I wince in pain as I apply a little pressure on my left ankle, which makes Sting-sama's eyes go wide.

"Why not? She hurt you." He asks angrily.

I stumble on to the wall to try to get some of the pressure off my ankle, but I end up aggravating my other burns.

"Sting-sama... I-I-I can't be friends with someone who kills, let alone be in a guild with one."

He looks at me with hurt eyes, "You mean... if I killed her, then... we wouldn't be friends anymore? Or anyone for the matter?"

I nod as I struggle to stay on my feet, "And I'd have to quit the guild."

Sting-sama releases Yima-sama and lets out a loud sigh, "Only for you Yukino."

I smile weakly, "Thanks... I really... appreciate... apprec-"

I don't finish, I can't. My leg gives out and I collapse to the ground and I'm plunged into a world of darkness.

"Yukino? Yukino!" I hear a familiar voice call out to me. It sounds so close, but it seems so far.

I flutter my eyes open to find a familiar face. "My head... mh... wha... S-s-sting-s-sama?"
My sight is blurry and my head is spinning. I can't see straight, but I can make out the shape of him.

"Where is... where is... where is she?" I ask weakly.

"She's dead."

A sense of dread fills me, "You killed... er..."

He shakes his head, "Part of the building collapsed on her. I could have saved her, but you're more important to me."
As I struggle to sit up. I feel the world spinning. But I shake it off. How bad did Yima-sama and her dad hurt me?
"I'll help-" Starts Sting-sama.
"Stop!" I shout all of a sudden. He jumps. "Just...don't! I can do it myself!"
I lean against the wall. My whole body aches. I can barely move. It hurts, it hurts so much.
"You don't look so good..." Says Sting-sama softly.

He touches my arm, but I shove him off. He falls back.
"Don't look at me!" I cover my face with my hands.

I know he's shocked, but I don't care. I just want him to leave me alone.

"I'm disgraceful..." I mutter softly.

"What?" Asks Sting-sama calmly

"I said, I'm disgraceful," I say a little louder.

"What? I don't-"

"I said I'm disgraceful!" I scream.
"Yukino, what happened?" He asks calmly.

"Nothing happened," I say stiffly.

Sting-sama grabs both of my wrists gently, "Be honest."
"I said NOTHING!" I let out a small cry as I say that.

He looks at me strangely. He can't believe nothing happened, but in reality, everything happened.
"I am a weakling...." I mutter. I break free from him grasp and look away from him. He comes towards me again, but I shove him away.

I try my hardest not to cry, "I said stop! I can take care of myself!"

"Why are you saying this stuff?" Asks Sting-sama more forcefully.

"Because you're always coming to save me! You've saved me so many times and I've never saved you once! Just leave me alone! I need to deal with this myself!" I spit bitterly.

"Is it wrong to want to help? I'm trying to be a good friend..." I detect a hint of sadness in his voice as he speaks.
"I've gotten more pathetic....I-I can't fight back....because you were always there to help me...." I say bitterly.

I drop my hands to my sides searching for the familiar feeling of my celestial keys only to find that they aren't there.

"My keys, where are my keys?" I ask anxiously.

I look around trying to find my keys only to find them sitting next to the wall. As I reach for them, a sharp pain in my head stops me. I draw back my hand and bring it up to my head.

I look down, tears forming in my eyes once again when I hear a familiar jingle of keys. I shoot my head up ignoring the pain in my head to see Lector-sama holding my keys.

"Here you go Yukino," He says as he hands them to me.

"Thank you, you're sweet Lector-sama." I say as I hold my keys close to my chest, "But you didn't have to do that."

Lector-sama smiles at me, "Of course I did, you're my nakama."

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