I will never forget you

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I sigh and open my mouth to speak, “I should've at least been able to get my keys that were inches away from me.”

“Lector was just doing something nice for you just leave it at that.” Scolds Sting-sama.

I look over at Sting-sama only to be shock by the look he's giving me. He's glaring at me. Sting-sama's glaring at me. He never glares at at me for anything unless it's serious. Am I worth it though? Am I worth the trouble?
I stand up. It's not easy, but I manage. The pain shoots up my limbs. I wince in pain. And judging by the look on Sting-sama's face, my expression shows the pain I'm experiencing.
"Let me help..." He says as he pushes himself off the ground.

He touches my arm, but I shove him away.
"How many times do I have to tell you? STOP!"

He slams his back against the wall. There is silence between us. I then finally start to walk, my right hand holding onto the wall, and I'm limping. I have gotten weaker, and it's all his fault.

"I'm weak, worthless, stupid, and a pain. So spare me your pitty, stop trying to help me! I deserve to die, so stop trying to convince me otherwise!” I scream.

“No you're not Yukino,” Reassures Lector-sama.

“Yes I am!” I scream.

Just then, a heaviness fills my head. A pain throbs in my temples and my muscles ache. My knees give out, and I drop to the floor, releasing my keys from my grasp. I wince in pain, and whimper.

“Just forget about me Sting-sama, it's best for the both of us.” I whisper as tears start to spill from my eyes.

He growls and gets on his knees so he’s next to me, “That's not how life works Yukino! You can't just tell someone to forget about you, that's not how it works. You can't forget about someone with a blink of an eye. The only way to forget, is if you truly don't care about them!”

Tears burn as I try to hold them back. They threaten to fall, but I don't let them. I fight to hold them back, I fight to stay strong, but I'm not. At one point I was strong, but now I'm just a hollow shell of my former self.

I stare at him blankly. I-I… I do care about him. He’s my friend.

“N-no… I promise you, I do care about you Sting-sama. I just… I just… but… you…” I try to say a full sentences, but my words fall out all wrong.

My hands start to tremble. My eyes sting from trying to fight back the tears. No, I won't let them fall.

Sting-sama takes my shaking hands in his and smiles sweetly, “Why are you trying to fight back you tears? Let it out, it’s perfectly fine to cry. It’s how we get stronger. Just look at me, I cry all the time.”

I bite down on my lower lip to try to stop myself from crying. The tears keep flowing, but I can't help but feel like I'm still holding them back.

I bury my face in Sting-sama’s shoulder and bite harder on my lip. My breathing starts to to hitch. What is he doing to me? Why am I so weak?

He lets go of my hands and wraps his arms around me. I try to fight back, but I find myself unable to move.

“Come on Yukino, let it out.” Coaxes Sting-sama softly.

I gasp softly as my heart skips a beat.

He's so nice, but why?
I look down again when he cut me off, holding one arm with his hand. Sting-sama's hand, it's so warm and forgiving. It's anchoring me as I look off to the side with tears dried in my eyes. I'm too weak, I never used to cry, but now, I can't seem to stop them from flowing.
I let a soft sniffle spill out of me, it's not even audible but it makes him lift my head off his shoulder.
He looks at me with kind eyes, "Why are you crying? There's no reason to cry."
I grab his shoulders and shove him to the ground, "I'm not crying, it's just allergies!" I scream.
Sting-sama shakes his head, "But you don't have any allergies."
I scoff and swipe the tears from my face, "N-no... but I... I... I-I... I don't like..."
I don't finish, what's the point? Sting-sama wouldn't understand either way.
"What... you don't like what?" Asks Sting-sama hesitantly.
"THIS!" I scream, “You're always there to save me, I can't even get an enemy to get off me anymore! I used to be able to do things on my own, but now I can't do anything without you coming into help me!”
He frowns, “Yukino… I… had… I had no idea. I-I don't know what to say. But I guess I know where you're coming from.”

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