Thanks, but how are you

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I watch from a distance all the destruction that they caused. What reason for they have for destroying the town? And why did they take me? It's not like I mean anything to anyone. I'm just holding everyone back.

"Yukino," Says a voice behind me.

I turn around to see Rogue-sama and Frosh-sama behind me.

"What are you doing here?" Asks Rogue-sama with a stern voice.

I frown at the ground, "I was taken."

He nods, "That explains the bandages, but where's Sting?"

"In his office, but I don't think he's in the mood to talk to anyone." I say quietly.

He sighs, "Alright, but you should be resting right now. A girl in your condition should be in bed."

In my condition? What's that supposed to mean? Is he saying I'm weak? I mean, he's not wrong, I am, but still. Coming from him it hurts.

"I guess so, but it won't happen again." I say confidently.

"Fro thinks so too!" Says the little frog.

I smile down at it. Frosh-sama's so sweet, how can I not smile.

"Go get some rest, you'll need it." Says Rogue-sama

A sigh escapes my lips as I look back at Rogue-sama, "Alright, but only because you asked so nicely."

He chuckles lightly and turns away from me, "Go then, you look like you could use it."

I turn away from him and walk to go to my room when something stops me. A question has been sitting on the tip of my tongue for a while and I'm dying to ask it.

"Hey Rogue-sama," I say as I turn back towards him.

He turns to face me, "Yes?"

"If at anytime, someone you cared about died, what would you do?"

He shrugs, "I would be so upset I probably wouldn't be able to do anything. Like if it was you I'd never be able to do anything, but I know that you wouldn't want that, and according to Natsu, I'd be consumed by darkness if Frosch died."

He's right, that not what I'd want. I'd want him to move on, and I'd want the same for Sting-sama.

"Why? Is something wrong?" He asks in a concerned tone.

I shake my head, "No, no everything's perfectly fine. I was just asking."

Rogue-sama nods hesitantly almost as if he isn't convinced by my answer, but he doesn't say anything else.

I smile and walk away from him. As I walk to my room, a thought keeps pushing its way to the front of my mind, do I have good friends? I think I do, but do I really? I mean Sting-sama and Rogue-sama are sweet to everyone, but I can't help but feel like they're just being fake to me.

When I get to my room, I lay down and try to get some sleep.

I stare at the ceiling of my room as thoughts race through my mind. It's late in the night yet sleep is for some reason, not an option for my body. My fingers trace down to my stomach, where my recent burn is placed over my guild mark. It's not fair, the burn is so bad you can't even see my guild mark anymore. I've never felt more embarrassed to be a member of Sabertooth. I can't even defend myself against a little girl.

After all that has happened, I still can't believe that I'm back at the guild that abandoned me. I honestly thought that my humiliating defeat was the end of my time in Sabertooth; so I can't imagine why they allowed a disgrace like me to rejoin the guild.Although the guild is now being run by Sting-sama, I can't help but feel like the weak link of one of the strongest guild in the kingdom.

I shake my head, Sting-sama has apologized countless times for this, besides it's was so long ago. It's not right for him to apologise for something that wasn't even his fault.
I smile. Ever since he became the guild master countless things have changed in Sabertooth. For starters, we aren't the strongest anymore, we're all much happier, and he doesn't punish us with exhausting training drills.

I close my eyes and exhale slowly. Sleep is not in favor of me today so I get up from my bed to go "do me."

I take out a piece of paper and write a quick note to Sting-sama. When I'm done, I leave the note on my bed. Then, I grab my bag with my necessities in it, make my way down the shirt hall of my apartment, and open my door to step into the main hallway.

To get outside I have to pass by Sting-sama's room as well as Rogue-sama's room, and the last thing I want to do was wake either of the twin dragon slayers.
I quietly make my way down the stairs, passing by Rogue-sama's room whose door is slightly open. I peek in to see him peacefully sleeping on his couch while caressing Frosch-sama...and surprisingly, Lector-sama is lying peacefully next to them.

Although I'm confused on why he's there with Rogue-sama instead of Sting-sama, I can't help but smile at the sight. I think it's cute.
As I continue down the corridor, I stop at Sting-sama's room. His door is also slightly open, however that isn't the reason I stop. I stopped because of a low growl coming from his bedroom.

I start to continue walking when she hear it again. It's starting to sound more like a pained sigh, followed by several groans.
I hope he's okay, it'd be terrible if anything was wrong, I think to myself as my legs made their way to Sting-sama's apartment door to see if anything was wrong.
I walk inside and make my way to his room, but I stop once is see his door is ajar. As I peer in the small opening into his room my eyes look around until they focus on a figure I recognize as Sting-sama's. Heat begins to creep into my cheeks due to the fact that he's shirtless with his back faced towards me. He's hunched over, but I don't know the reason why. I can make out low grunts and groans. I open the door a little more to see if Sting-sama is okay. Suddenly, he throws his head back to let out a loud cry.

Without thinking, I fling the door open, "Sting-sama!"

Hey y'all. How goes it? Been a while huh? Yeah, I'm sorry. I decided to take a short little break and start prewriting the next book. I've also been focusing more on my other stories so... Yeah sorry bout that. But hey let's talk about this chapter, what do y'all think about it? Pretty interesting huh? What's going to happen next? Let me know what you think in the comments. Also, tell me how your Christmas was.
As always if you liked it please remember to vote comment and follow me and I'll try to stay on FUCKING SCHEDULE! (Which is now every Thursday) Peace out homies. Bye!

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