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I wake up in a dimly lit room. As I try to sit up, I find it's hard to do so. I try to stand up, I'm restrained by an undetermined source.

“Where am I?”I wonder aloud as I struggle against the restraints.

No one responds. It's just me.

I'm about to scream, when I hear footsteps coming towards me.

“I hope you aren't too uncomfortable,” Says a voice.

I'm trying to say something, but my words cling to my throat. My throat is dry and feels like sandpaper. So I let out a gruff grunt in response.

As the footsteps get louder, I can make out the shape of a hooded figure. Maybe the same hooded figure from earlier. The figure continues to come closer, and I feel my heart to start to speed up.

The figure removes the hood revealing a man, maybe in his early 30s? His hair is black and his eyes are blue and green.

He crouches down so he's at my level, “I sure hope you're enjoying yourself, it'll make this so much easier for me.”

I'm curious on what he means, but before I have the chance to think, he tears off the piece of cloth that separates my top and bottom. I whimper quietly, but I don't fight back. It's not like I can, my arms and my legs are both tied up.

He laughs, “Not gonna say anything are you eh? This is gonna be a lot more fun than I thought.”

I squirm uncomfortably as he touches my stomach teasingly.

“S-s… s-stop.” I rasp shakily.

He laughs, “No no, you're not allowed to talk.”

I frown and look down, “Forgive me.”

He slaps me across my face, “What did I just say? No talking. Unless of course you want to be in a world of pain.”

I nod slowly, “I'm sorry…” I say quietly. My voice is so soft I doubt he heard me. At least, I hope he didn't.

I hear him growl, “What did I just say? No talking. But since you talked, it'd make me seem rude if I didn't keep my word.”

I whimper and brace myself for my punishment. First he kicks me around. I try my hardest to move away, but it's hard to move when your arms and legs are tied up. Pretty soon, I'm covered in bruises from all the kicking. My body's screaming at me, but I try my hardest not to say anything. He then moves to shocking. He uses lightning magic capable of leaving you temporarily paralyzed. Someone, anyone, please… help me.

“P-p-please… s-stop…” I plead shakily.

He laughs and kicks me hard in the stomach causing pain to spread throughout my body.

“No talking sweetheart, at least until your pathetic excuse for a Master shows up.”

Sting-sama’s coming?

I try to move, but my body won't move an inch. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to move.

Tears trickle down my cheeks as I squeeze my eyes shut. Please hurry.

“Daad!” Calls a voice of a child

Open my eyes to see a child standing next to the man.

She looks exactly like her dad it's almost unreal.

“What is it this time…?” He asks gruffly.

“Can I play with the prisoner?” Asks the girl.

He nods, “Sure, just don't kill her. We need her alive.”

She smiles and comes towards me, “Don't worry, I won't.”

The man leaves, leaving me alone with this girl that for some reason terrifies me.

“W-who are you?” I rasp.

She frowns, “Are you paralyzed?”

I frown, “Yeah?”

The girl pouts, “Well that's no fun.”

Why do I feel so weak? It's almost like being around her is draining my energy.

“Let… me...go.” I say hoarsely.

She smiles, “Ok, it's no fun with you tied up anyway.”

Without warning, my restraints release me. I'm happy to not be restrained, but I still can't move.

She begins to circle me. I begin to feel like a deer being stalked by a hungry wolf. Trust me, it's not a good feeling. I try to squirm, but my body rejects all instructions.

She stops circling me and grins sinisterly, “Now, where should I burn you?”

My eyes widen at the question. She wants to burn me? As long as she doesn't burn me in my guild mark.

“How about your leg? You'll have a hard time walking which'll make it more fun for me. Or I could do your feet? It'll be like a walking hell for you. Or better yet, your precious guild mark. I could take away your dignity and bring you shame by burning you there. Plus it'll last forever so you'll always have to live with the shame.”

My eyes widen, “No not that! Anything but that!” I scream.

She laughs, “Or I could burn you in all of the above.”

“Don't please, I beg you. Don't burn my guild mark. Kill me if you want, just don't burn my guildmark!”

She laughs as slips my keys off me and dangles them in front of my face, “Oh these are pretty. Wonder what would happen if they were shattered?”

My body tenses up as I try to reach for them, “No stop! Burn me anywhere you want, tear me apart, kill me if you want, but please don't shatter my keys! You can even burn my guild mark, just please leave my keys alone I beg of you!”

She laughs and throws them against the wall behind me, “Well if you absolutely insist.”

She put her hands on my guild mark. Instantly, I'm filled with a feeling of fire. I open my mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. When she finally takes her hand off me, I look down to see a red mark over my guild mark. Blood is dripping from the burn, and I'm sure I see bone.

Then, she puts one hand on my leg and the other on my ankle. This time, I let out a loud scream. The pain is almost unbearable I think I might die.

She continues to burn me all over my body until I'm covered with burns, some first degree, some second and quite possibly some third degree.

“Alrighty, I've had my fun with burning you, but now I feel like electrocuting you.” She says in an almost giddy voice.

I whimper and roll on to my side, “Please, no more.”

She cackles, “Oh… I'm sorry, did you want me to stop?”

I nod weakly, “Please…”

“Too bad toots, cause I'm in control now. And you can't do-”

She's interrupted by a loud crash. She turns her head to the source only to be blasted backwards by a beam of white light.

I look towards the source only to almost cry.

“WHERE IS SHE?” Shouts a loud powerful voice that I'd know anywhere.

“Sting-sama!” I cry weakly.

When he looks at me, his eyes shrink. Oh no, he's gonna flip out.

He runs over the girl and throws her against the wall

“Who the hell are you?” He asks in a low angry voice.

She laughs, “My name is Yima and I'm calling the shots around here.”

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