Chapter 17

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Hey guys! I am soo sorry for not updating for almost a week! i started to write the chapter last week but until today i have been getting major Writer's block! i stared at my screen for almost 3 hours and couldn't even write a word! Anways this chapter probably isnt that good due to the fact i still have writer's block but once it goes away the chapters will get better i promise! Anyways Enjoy!

-Kisses Taylor

Emily’s POV:


I heard a gun shot and turned around. I wanted to run back into the cabin but I knew I had to get Ali to the hospital. I turn back around and head to my car. I gently place Ali in the passenger seat. I run to the other side of the car and turn the car on. I sped off to the hospital. When I got there I carried Ali in like I did when I found her in the woods. Doctors rushed towards me and took Alison. I sat in the waiting room. It has been over an hour and I haven’t gotten any news on Ali. I start to cry as I place my head in my hands. My legs start to shake as I become more and more nervous by the second.

“Em, are you okay?” I hear a voice say next to me. I glance over to see Hanna. I shake my head no. She pulls my head into her chest and I start to cry into her shirt. After a few minutes of me sobbing I calm down and look at Hanna.

“What happened?” she asks. I don’t respond. I have nothing to tell her. “Em, what happened?” she repeats. “I don’t know, I have been here for an hour and haven’t gotten any news on her.” I say my voice shaky. I notice that its only Hanna, Toby, and Wren in the waiting room with me. Wait why was Wren here? I don’t even care right now. “Han, where’s Spencer and Aria?” I ask her concerned. Her face goes pale. “Hanna?” I say more concerned then I already was. Hanna lets out a sigh,

“Jason attacked Aria and she became unconscious after hitting Mr. Hastings over the head with a shovel. And Jason stabbed Spencer in the leg and the knife went in quite far.” She says. Holy shit. I knew Jason was messed up. But what shocked me the most was that Aria hit Mr. Hastings! I mean she’s so tiny! We stay in silence for a while waiting for news on all the girls.

A few minutes later a doctor appeared into the room and walks towards us. I jump out of my seat. “How is she? Is she going to be okay? Can I see her? How badly is she hurt?” I ramble on more and more questions. “She is stable, she is going to be fine but will take a long time to recover, she has a broken leg, a few cracked ribs the rest are badly bruised, and she has a mild concussion. So far she will be fine but may experience some memory loss here and there but will recover fine. And yes you may see her but for now family only.” The doctor says. I look at Hanna and she nods telling me to go. I dash towards her room. I open the door to see Ali resting. She has a cast on her leg and a bandage around her head. I would assume she has some bandages around her ribs but they weren’t visible. I sit down in the chair next to her bedside and take her hand. Her eyes flutter open staring at me with her stunning ocean blue eyes that melt me every time. She has bruises all along her arms and on her neck. I didn’t even notice I was crying until she released my hand and wiped my tears away.

“You saved me.” She says so weakly it breaks my heart. I nod and give her a small smile. “I told you know matter what is thrown at me I will always find you and save you.” I say. She smiles; her smile is still beautiful like always but it’s a broken smile, she is broken and it’s all Jenna, Jason, and Mr. Hastings fault. “Where are the girls?” she asks me. I knew I would have to tell her. “Spencer and Aria and getting treated.” I say slowly. “What happened?” she says her eyes wide. I tell her the whole story. There was a silence in the room. “I can’t believe it.” She says breaking the silence. “Neither can I but you are going to fine, Spencer and Aria will be fine and we are finally free from –A.” I tell her. I wasn’t sure what Aria and Spencer’s conditions were yet but I will find out. “I’m going to check on Spencer and Aria, I will tell Hanna to come in while I am gone.” I tell her. She nods. I gently lean over her a plant a soft but passionate kiss on her lips. I walk out of the room and towards Hanna. “How is she.” She asks. “She will be fine but she looks terrible it breaks my heart, any news on Spencer and Aria?” I ask. “Spencer is in recovery but Aria hasn’t woken up yet. She… went into a coma…” Hanna says. I swallow a lump in my throat. “Go keep Ali company I’m going to see Spence.” I tell her. She nods and we go our separate ways.

I walk into Spencer’s hospital room. Her leg is being elevated. She also has a cast on her leg. “Hey Spence.” I say. “Hey Em, how’s Ali?” she asks. I take a deep breath. “She will be fine but she has a broken leg, cracked ribs the rest are badly bruised and a mild concussion.” I tell her. “I can’t believe my dad did all of this.” She says. “I know, how are you?” I ask. “I will be fine, I just lost a lot of blood in my leg and the knife cracked my bone a bit but I will heal fine, how’s Aria?” she asks. I take another deep breath. “She hasn’t woken up yet Spence. She’s in a deep a coma.” I tell her looking down. When I look back up at her, her eyes are filled with tears. “Hey Spence it’s okay, Aria is strong she will pull through and she has you to thank for that.” I reassure her. She nods and gives me a small smile. “She will be fine, I’m going to go stay with Ali and I’m sure Toby wants to be here with you.” I say glancing over at Toby leaning on the doorframe.

“Hanna will probably stay with Aria or I might make her go home.” I add. I kiss Spencer on the forehead and head back to Ali’s room. I lean on the doorframe and watch as Hanna and Ali actually get along. I hear Ali apologizing for the way she treated Hanna in the past and Hanna forgives her. I smile to myself looking down at my shoes knowing now that Ali really has changed for the better. When I look back up both blonde’s are staring at me. “Were you listening to the whole conversation?” Ali asked. I looked at her confused. “No, I just heard you and Hanna making up why is there something your hiding?” I asked smiling while walking over to her. “Nope, we were just talking about you.” She says smirking. “Oh really? And why were you two blonde’s talking about me?” I ask. “No reason.” Ali says staring in my eyes. I stare back and forget Hanna is even here. I lean down to Ali and start kissing her. The kiss becomes more heated every second.

“Well I’m going to go and leave you two alone. Oh and next time Em, Ali! DON’T START MAKING OUT IN FRONT OF ME! Its cute and all but just don’t.” Hanna says. I laugh at her. She exits the room. I sit down in the chair and chat with Ali until she drifts to sleep. I practically stayed up all night keeping an eye on Ali; I don’t want to close my eyes for a split second and open to not find Ali. I was getting paranoid now even though the –A team is all behind bars. But what if there are more? What if they were decoys? What if –A comes back and tries to kill Ali again? No I shouldn’t be thinking like this. I need to focus on making sure Ali recovers fine and stays safe. After another hour lost in my own head my eyes start to get really heavy to where I can’t keep them open any longer. Soon after trying to fight to stay awake I drift to sleep.

So like i said this chapter isnt that great but comment below letting me know what you thought! Also if you want to stay updated on why i havent posted or when i will post another chapter follow my instagram: pll_emison4ever and when i have news on the story i will inform you all on there! 

-Kisses Taylor

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