Not True

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Chapter 7. Not true


We just stare at each other for a minute or so.

I can't believe it I have a mate, my heart is racing as I see his eyes hold an emotion I can't decipher. He looks at me with soft eyes, but then as if a spell has lifted his eyes turn hard and empty.

I feel a pain in my chest as he glares at me.

"Sorry Mutt, I couldn't love you and you would never be my mate. I don't want one or need one," he spits out harshly.

I flinch at his words and hang my head, he pushes past me roughly and I shuffle slowly to my room as a tear slides down my cheek, followed by a river of tears.

I grab a pair of old clothes and put the new clothes in my cupboard before flopping down on my mattress and crying myself to sleep.

I wake up and look at the small clock I have and see that it is 2:34 am. I sigh knowing that I won't be able to fall back to sleep.

My mind replays everything that happen yesterday, from the choosing, and the assault. Then to me finding my mate and how I was the happiest I have ever been and then now I am torn, my heart hurts knowing that my mate won't love me.

I know I never thought I could get a mate but it still hurts so damn much.

Amyra is unusually quiet and I can hear her soft whimpers. It pains me to know she is upset and that I can't do anything about it.

Its not your fault, I still have you and we will be okay she says in a strong voice.

I know, but I wish you had a better life one away from the abuse and pain I reply sadly.

I wish you could as well, but you are so strong and I wouldn't choose another human to be my partner in crime Amyra laughs.

I smile and reply happily You are an amazing friend, thanks for everything.

No worries, today will be okay I promise to get both of us out of here soon she firmly promises.

I smile and nod back, then get up to start on the breakfast and cleaning of the house.

After four hours of cleaning the pack starts to come out of their rooms to eat, the Alphas don't spare me a glance now that I am not dressed up.

I start to leave when I see my mate with one of the pack's bullies, I sigh and walk back up to my room.

My chest tightens and I whimper.

After an hour of sitting in my room and thinking about the world, about what it would be like if I did escape and had a good mate. The Alpha walks in and he has a look other than anger on his face, confusion.

"Mutt I don't know what you did but you are leaving this pack for good and going to the Blaze star pack," he states, his eyebrow are raised as if he can't figure out this conundrum. "You need to get your things and be down stairs in five minutes and then you are gone."

I sigh as he leaves.

Now I am going to have to be the slave to another pack and get used to the way they run, I wonder which Alpha I am going to.

I pack my things and head downstairs, only to see my mate waiting.

I stop and look at the ground. He grunts and starts to walk out of the pack house, I get pushed and shoved by my former owners and follow my new Alpha outside.

"You are now my slave and shall do what I say," he commands stonily, his face a mask of indifference. 

I nod and his eyes pierce me with their cold, calculating stare, before telling me to get in the car. I do as I am told and get in the car, fearing the path ahead.

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Taya ❤

Tell me what u think of Val's mate (Feel free to be mean, he isn't the nicest character) 

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