Days, Life

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1,2,3,4,5... Wait how long has it been since I first had to clean that damn pack house for my former Alpha? 

Hmm, probably 1 and a half week, I told you my life is hectic. All of that in that amount of time, getting beaten, cleaning and cooking for my old pack, getting toyed with, seeing Jax for the first time, getting sold to my mate, meeting Xan and Liv and then talking to Ryder. After that Jax meets another she wolf, then I get taken, find out I have powers and can talk to Jax and Ryder without a mate connection or mind link. 

Now I am here, sitting on the floor of a cell that is covered in wolfsbane. The click clack of shoes on tiles is heard, I stand up and press myself to the concrete wall like a bat staying out of the light. Unfortunately my plan doesn't go as planned and a warrior stops outside my cell.

 He grunts and opens the door, I cautiously step out, taking a tentative step out of the cell, that I have been locked in for a day and a half. I walk out slowly like a pup taking its first steps away form mum. I jump as the guy slams the cell door shut and cackles cruelly at my reaction. 

We walk until we get to a solid steal door, the guy walks up to it and knocks three times before stepping away, waiting for the leader to open the door. The Vampire that couldn't eat me opens the door and waves the guy away carelessly. 

"Now you dear Valerie, you are something special let me tell you that!" He proclaims smirking. 

"Why is that important?" I question quietly 

"Because my dear, you are going to be my weapon. You are going to fight your mate," He says drawling out the part about fighting Jax. "Oh and just letting you know he is very strong, so you have to practise 3 times a day in the training area." 

He hands me the times and location before getting the guards to escort me back to the cell. 

They keep a tight grip on my arms, tighter and stronger than before.


The people here, these cruel, heartless rouges and vampires that kill innocent people are scared of me, a slave to the unfair world. I am shoved harshly into my cell and before the guards leave they cuff my hands with strong, reinforced metal handcuffs, so that I can't do anything to them. 

A small soft sigh escapes my lips as I rest my head against the wall. The little glimpse of hope that was starting to grow ever since I talked to Jax and figured out I have powers, was steadily trickling away like a stream. 

I have to fight my own mate. I have to do the work for my captures like I normally would. The world is full of surprises, whether good or bad, a blessing or curse. I have to decide, I would say my powers a blessing with a curse and meeting Jax and Ryder both a good and bad surprise. 

Sometime later my eyes start to drift shut as thoughts make my mind fog over. 


My eyes open slowly and adjust to the sudden startling light that shines through my cell door, my eyes open with a shock when I realise that there are 2 people standing outside my cell looking in. 

Not at all weird of creepy. 

I sit up and go to rub my eyes, but sigh in defeat as my hands stay seated on my lap with the big heavy handcuffs weighing them down. When they notice that I am looking back at them, they open the door and come inside. 

"Get up!" The taller of the two commands roughly 

I nod and stand compliantly as they lead my out of my cell. We pass lots of doors, hallways after hallways most I have never seen. We walk for 10 minutes before we stop and the guy that yelled at me before unlocks a door, the door leads to a staircase. 

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