Trust and Love

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It would honestly help me soooo much if u checked this story out on dreame or my other stories because it will help me earn money by doing something I LOVE!!

22. Trust and Love


My heart thumps rapidly in my chest, as my paws pound along the ground with the world a blur passing me. I sniff the air as I go and catch a small whiff of my mate's delicious and intoxicating scent.

Ryder yips and growls in lust and want, she smells delicious. Divine, heavenly and all I want to do is to hold her and mark her as my mate.

I rush through the forest and halt two meters away from this little broken hut, where my mate is sitting, alone and cold.

I shift back and walk in slowly, calmly. I try to control my breathing and try to keep Ryder in check, also controlling my eyes as I don't want them turning black in lust, at how amazing she smells.

I stride slowly into the hut, scanning the area.


His loud footsteps echo around the eerily silent hut, I squeeze further into the corner. A cold, chilling gust of wind touches my bare skin making me shiver.

My body and wolf both want me to stand up and let our soul mate claim us, however I don't want that. Of course I want to be his and he be mine but not just because I am in heat, that is wrong.

It might be wrong but my body is killing me, I am shivering but am hot, like fire burning hot. My head feels dizzy but I gain my bearings as he stops and turns around slowly, assessing the area.

I wonder how he hasn't found me yet, he should have. I hope he isn't toying with me.

I shiver in the corner, he sniffs the air. Amyra whines in my head, longing in her yips and whines. I try desperately to shrink back and a small sigh escapes my lips, without permission, as he leaves the room.

I go to get up silently and move when I am pinned to the wall, my wolf is howling in elation because the he is touching us.

I hang my head, and sigh in relief as his hands and presence sooth my burning, aching body. He growls lowly, not one of anger or annoyance like I am used to but one of lust.

He pins my body against the wall, trapping me and removes one hand from around my waist. Jax tilts my head up to look at him. I meet his eyes and go to look away, as his eyes are a mixture of green and black, when he growls again louder this time.

I squeak and he drops the hand on my chin, I whimper missing the feel of his hand on me.

Amyra wants to eat him and let him eat us, while I am a confused pile of emotions.

Jax leans closer to my ear, his breath fanning my neck. I lean my head back as pleasure courses through me, no one should be able to make me feel this.

"Hello, my mate." He purrs his voice rough as he traces a hand up and down my side. I shiver and grip his shoulders tightly.

"H-hi Jax," I stutter nervously, he looks at me his face softens and he places a hand on my cheek gently, the sultry tone dissipates as he looks at me caringly.

"Don't be nervous My beauty, I won't hurt you in any way. I promise, I really do." Jax looks at me, his eyes full of hope awaiting my answer like a lost puppy waiting for their owner. My heart clenches for him, as I place a hand on his cheek softly and he leans into it sighing softly.

"I um I know that, I'm just new to well almost everything is all," I explain cautiously, still keeping eye contact with him and he smiles gently.

"What is new to you?" He questions curiously, as he gazes at me intensely making me shiver under his strong gaze.

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