Mistakes Become Real

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First of I have to say a ginormous THANK YOU to everyone, for reading, commenting, voting and adding MQ to their reading lists. Just thanks. 

The votes, reads and comments mean the world to me, you can't imagine how happy I am.

Because of how awesome u guys are I decided to write u a chapter before 7 days were up. 

So enjoy! :) 


I collapse on the ground. My silver fur covered body landing with a thump on the hard dirt, I close my eyes for a second before standing up slowly. My legs wobble beneath me as I gingerly place my hind leg down on the ground, wincing as a shock of pain flies up my leg.  

I have been searching for Valerie for two days now, crossing into territories and getting into fights. We have checked three of the sites and checked other areas along the way.  Tonight we are checking the last territory, and if my mate isn't there I am not sure what Ryder and I will do. Well we will probably never stop until she is found. She will be found, I promised her that. 

I walk over to see some of my pack members getting treated. Most, like Xander, were very eager to go out and find their new Luna, and are still in high sprites. Adrenaline  rushing around each pack member, making them come alive with new found energy. 

Xander walks over to me in his chestnut wolf, nods at me before heading over to a group of young male wolves. Nudging each of them, to get them to quieten down and rest for a couple of hours. 

I sigh as I walk over to a group of trees after grabbing a blanket in my mouth and laying down, to try to get some rest before finding my mate. 

So many thoughts plague my mind, possibilities of finding Val, worries, regretful thoughts and above all longing. I actually miss  Valerie, I know that is common when you haven't seen your mate in nearly 4 days but for me that is like a werewolf catching a cold, never even thought of.

Eventually my eyes drift shut with a perfect image of Valerie in my mind. 


I wake with a start, jumping up. I look around to see a blur of white run into the forest, I jump into action and sprint as fast as my four legs will take me. I jump on top of the other wolf like a crazed predator looking for food, I snarl and see the she wolf whimper. 

I jump of her and she gets up slowly keeping her head lowered. I keep a low growl going until she lays and submits to me. I stop growling and walk away, she follows behind me until we get to the camp where she stops just before we leave the forest. 

I sigh internally and walk behind a tree, I shift and grab a shirt and pants before walking out to see the she wolf lying down on the hard ground, looking around with wary eyes. She stands up as soon as she notices me, looking around the area cautiously flicking her eyes between me and the camp. 

"Here. Can you shift back please?" I ask gently. 

She looks taken aback by my words towards her. Before taking the clothes out of my hand and going behind some trees. 

As I am waiting I hear a small yelp of surprise and growling. I go to investigate to see Xander, Noah (my Delta) and the she wolf. The she wolf is cowering behind the tree, while my beta and delta are growling at each other. 

I step between them and motion for the she wolf to finish getting changed before pushing Xander and Noah in front of me and away from the tree. I sit them down a bit away from the camp, as the other wolves have woken up, and look at both of them waiting for them to start talking. 

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