Epilogue 2

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My growl penetrated the tension, slicing through it like a knife as my hackles rose and I bared my teeth.

A group of 20 wolves stood in front of my pack and I.

3 werewolves stand out the most as I glared at them, but keeping my pack calm and out of harms way.

I feel a small tug on my fur and look down to see my 1 year old pups standing next to me, looking up with curious but wary eyes.

I nudge them back to Xander who takes them by their scruffs and sits them down next to him as Val stands in human form by my side, head held high as she eyes the strangers.

"Alpha Jaxon and Luna Valerie we do not mean harm to you and your pack, we are here to talk and propose something," the tallest male of the wolves speaks as he is in human form along with a she wolf and his mate.

"Who are you and what business do you have with us?" Valerie demands voice string and firm as she steps forward.

"We need to discuss something with you in person and alone." Their eyes flicker between Val and I, and the feeling of knowing crosses over me but I can't seem to place who they are.

"I asked who you are and what your business is!" My mate's tone and words break me out of my thoughts as she squares her shoulders and looks around at the wolves.

"We are the Alpha and Luna of Grandeur Star Pack and we have some personal matters to discuss," the mate of the Alpha speaks, her voice soft and calm in comparison to her cold glare.

I got it I shout through the mind link with Val.

You got what? She replies her eyes still focused on the other pack.

Remember when I told you about my father and how he abandoned Liz and I, also how he betrayed us by marrying another she wolf and cheating on my mum. Then how I had a relationship with a she wolf that was friends with my dad's new daughter and then how she ended up hurting me and Liz by killing my old best friend. Well they are all here in front of us. I explain and I see her glance at me with wide eyes.

Are you sure? She questions

Yeah, I'm gonna quickly shift just bring them out to the back area I reply racing inside to grab some shorts.

I run down the stairs and out to the back area to see all my pack with my father, his wife and Sarah, along with their pack all standing in the middle of the circle my pack has formed around them.

"Jax they said they want you and Liz to talk to them and for some reason that Sarah girl claims you still love her and all that rubbish," Val rolls her eyes and looks at Sarah who is glaring at her.

"You have no place here, none of you. Take your pointless words and damn feelings out of my territory. Leave now!" I command.

"You haven't even listened to us, how is that being a good Alpha or leader?" My father questions.

I take a step forward and growl at him.

"You have no such right to question my reasons and if I am being a damn good leader as you were never and will never be a good Alpha or leader father!" I spit out at him, his eyes widen and turn black in anger.

He steps forward and goes to grab me when I pin him to the ground before leaving him stunned on the ground.

"My mate and the Alpha of this area demanded you get off our land so you leave now or we will force you." Val states glaring at the other pack, a roar of approval goes through the pack.

"Bitch listen here, he you are just a measly she wolf of no power so don't go around commanding wolves higher than you," Sarah snarls at my mate.

I hear growls and snarls and in a matter of seconds 10 wolves are standing in front of my mate pushing Sarah backwards.

"Sorry Sarah, but I think that my pack is willing to beat yours down if you so much come within a metre of me. Also I am his mate, how else would I have had his pups as you should know only mates can have the pups of their mate," Val explains smugly.

I grin and pull Val to my side.

"You are not welcome here please leave," I say while holding Val's hand tightly.

"Hmph fine. May I at least see my daughter?" My father asks.

I nod and Liz steps forward punches him and then goes back to Cason who smiles proudly at her.

"Well now you can leave." I turn away from them and head inside.

I hear a grunt but they soon turn as well to leave.

"Liz that was amazing," I chuckle at my sister as she grins so widely.

"I know," she flicks her hair behind her shoulder in a girly way before winking at me.

Xander, Gab, Liz, Cason and Val and I all sit down in one of the living rooms.

"You good bud?" Xander questions raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah all good, just ruffled my fur is all. Val how is the training going?" I ask turning to my mate who is holding Ezran while Rayla sits on the ground playing with a toy.

"Awesome, I am good with the hand to hand combat and am starting the archery." She explains a smile plastered on her face.

"That is great, how are you and Cason Liz?" I question my sister as her 8 month old baby boy rests on her hip.

"Wouldn't you like to know. We're good through, Cason needs to get better at changing nappies, but that is a difficult task to teach," she shrugs and Cason kisses her head.

We start small chatter when roars ripe through the air.

Everyone stands and she wolves run into the room and grab the children as we rush outside.

"Black creatures, let's go!" I call shifting mid stride as Val grabs a sword and bow and arrow.

Dark shadows run through the trees as we rush into them, these creatures are shadow type creatures. Swift, agile and deadly.

They have been going into many areas and stealing the young to do who knows what.

Valerie runs beside me in human form, light on her feet as she stays at the same pace as me.

She shoots an arrow with perfect aim at the dark creatures coming towards us as I pounce on some more.

Gif not mine. From The Lord of the rings. Love this movie :) 😄

What Val might look like :P

We rush forward as more creatures come out of the dark. Val and a group of 10 archers keep fighting by hand while me and my groups claw and bite the shadows.

I hear a cry and see Val holding her arm as blood seeps out, she growls and shoots an arrow at the creature coming towards her.

Hi guys

I decided I am gonna do 1 more chapter describing this fight and some other things. I might fast forward and let you see the lives of Rayla and Ezran.

Hope u enjoyed 😊😊

fav part?

I love The lord of the rings right now such an amazing series of movies 😜😍

Fav movie?? 🤨

If you've seen The Lord of The Rings then who is ur fav character? I love Strider and Legolas 💖💖💖

Taya 😎

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