Teasing & The Past

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Hi 😃

Oh I have started editing my chapters more thoroughly for u guys! 

I decided to do another persons POV as I had some readers wanting this so enjoy. 

Read A/N at the end please! 😜

Liz POV (Yay or Nay) 

I walk inside after training and see Xander pacing, with Bailey, Max, Sam, Hayden and Charlie all sitting on the lounge in front of him. 

First thought that pops into my head: What on earth did they do? 

I decide to voice my thoughts and clap to get their attention, they turn towards me with either serious or depressed expressions.

I sigh exasperated, "What have you done this time? Oh and have you seen Jax or Val?" 

"Well, this douches um were enticed by our Luna's scent and went after her. She ended up jumping out of the window, in fear and now your brother has gone off to find her," He replies.

I think my mouth is hanging open at the idiocy of these wolves. I shut my mouth after my minute of silence before I shout at the 5 men, or should I say idiots, "You silly, hormonal males, get your heads out of your d!cks for one damn second. She is your Luna, for crying out loud!" 

They all cower away and Xander turns me away from them. His eyes fog over and I am guessing he is talking to Gab, his mate. 

My mind then does a 360, I want a mate. I wonder if I even have one, I have been waiting for 3 years as I am now 21, Gab found her mate and she is only 19 same with Val. 

Gab comes towards me and with a swish of her hand I am flying, as I pass Xander I kiss his cheek and pat his head. I look at Gab and can see a hint of jealousy but mostly love and care. We end up going outside, she lets the magic misty stuff set me on the ground before it vanishes.

"Gab, do you think I could have a mate?" I question. 

She looks at me with confusion, her eyebrows knitted together before answering, "You're not worried about Val?" 

I stop to process this question, "No, not really. I know Jax has been an a-hole most times, but he is a good guy and will go to great lengths to get Val back. I promise you he won't return home without her." 

"Right. So you good?" Gab asks.

"Yeah I am fine. So do you think I could have a mate?" I nervously ask again. 

"Of course you do, they just are taking longer to show themselves I guess," She states. 

"Yeah I guess you are right, anyway if I had one they would have to prove themselves worthy first. I didn't talk to Jax or Xander for a month until I got comfortable with them." I explain 

Her peaceful expression turns to one of confusion, "Xander told me a little bit about your background, so what's your story?"

I fiddle with a piece of grass before explaining, "Well, I got separated from Jax when we were babies, our parents died and we were in orphanages. At the orphanages I got abused, mostly by men. All older than me and Jax eventually found me when I was 12 and he was 15. He took me to the place he was staying at. There I met Xander and around 20 other young wolves, male and female. They nursed me back to health and when Jax was 18 he made his own pack, and ended up searching for more young wolves that went through the same thing as me." 

"That is horrible and disgusting, are you alright now?" Gab inquires, hugging me. 

"Yeah I am, still wary about being alone in a room with  a man I don't trust but everyone is." I answer. 

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