Confusion & Scars

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Chapter 9. Confusion & Scars


The sky darkens, the stars shine so bright that it looks like they were little moons and I, well I was sitting alone in the living room.

Xander and Liz went to bed a while ago so I have been sitting here, thinking and wondering. Yes, right now life seems a bit brighter but really in reality I am still a slave, still not loved, still alone.

I don't know how I am meant to feel, how I am meant to act in this situation, I guess being a slave doesn't let you explore anything to its full extent it doesn't let me understand the world. I am so confused, here I am a slave to my mate I never thought I would get a better life at all, but it still hurts when my dreams become reality.

I lay down on the couch and just stare at the ceiling. Amyra has been chatting here and there about random things, she has said she has talked to Jax's wolf once or twice. But said that she didn't want to get attached so she doesn't want to talk to him heaps, his name is Ryder.

I smile as Amyra tells me that Ryder is sweet, charming and that he seems to like us. Just as my eyes finally start to drift close footsteps sound throughout the house, I bolt upwards and hang my head as the Alpha comes in.

"Come on," He says exhaustion seeping through his words.

I stand up and follow him, he brings me to the top floor and opens a door for me, he motions me inside and then leaves to go to his rooms after giving me a piece of paper.

The room is a large room, with a queen sized bed with royal blue sheets which contrasts beautifully with the pristine white walls. A bathroom lays on the right side of the bed with a shower, sink and cupboard inside.

After I wash my hands and hop into the soft bed, that wraps around me snuggly I then turn the light beside the bed on and read the piece of paper.

List of chores:

Breakfast at 7:00 am, Omegas help

Clean kitchen and living area after at 7:30 am

9:00 am Clean bathrooms and bedrooms

10:00 am sweep dining area

10:30 am prepare morning tea

11:00 am break

11:20 am start lunch

1:00 pm Clean prisons

2:00 pm look after pups in nursery

4:15 pm afternoon tea

5:00 pm see Alpha in office

5:30 pm make dinner with omegas

7:00 pm Clean kitchen, dining and living area

8:00 pm go to room

PS: No one shall know that you are my mate, don't tell anyone.

Alpha Quillion

I fall asleep after reading the chores, thinking about doing all of that makes my head sore. I fall into a rough sleep.

He hits me, I bite my lip preventing the screams from leaving. Tears roll down my cheeks as I cower away from him, he growls at me and kicks me before leaving me he shouts at me. "Get up! You need to get up mutt." I cry silently as he leaves, but am woken by someone pouring water all over me. I bolt upright and see my mate. I lower my head and wonder why he is in my room.

"Sorry Alpha, did you need something?" I ask quietly, casting my eyes to the bed sheets but am thankful that no panic attack comes from him being so close to me. Which is both a relief and slightly alarming, a wolf of his status and his power should cause me more panic attacks, not less.

"No, you were crying and whimpering. Why is that?" He replies gruffly, his voice rough with sleep as he studies me.

"No reason Alpha, I shall make no sound from here on out I promise," I say softly, glancing up at him to see a slight frown on his handsome face.

He looks at me with a different look, it goes away quickly but if I am correct his beautiful eyes held a look of hurt and regret.

"Okay then." He mumbles quietly, running a hand through his disheveled hair.

He leaves and I sigh wearily. My body trembles from the aftershocks of the nightmare as I breath in and out, he was trying to get me up but it came into my nightmare.

I lie awake and look at the time it is only 5:00, normally I would be up and working or getting a beating, but I have two hours before I start working.

I sit up and go into the closet with my clothes, I turn the light on and am surprised to see heaps of clothes lining the walls. I put my bag down and grab a pair of black and red tights then a black work out shirt.

After that I walk into the shower and turn it on, I have a quick shower, not wanting to upset anyone. I wash my hair as it hasn't been washed in a while.

When I get out I stand in front of the full body length mirror as I look at myself, my cuts and bruises are healing nicely. I put on the undergarments and start to get changed when the door opens, I shriek and grab the towel as Jax walks into the room.

He storms angrily into the room, his eyes scan the room before they land on me.

His eyes are tinted red which means Ryder is alert and watching as well, I lower my head a little but not enough where I can't see what he is doing. He takes a step forward so I take one back, he growls at my actions so I stop, he walks up to me and stops one metre away from me.

"Let go of the towel," he commands firmly, his eyes fixed onto me.

I don't and hold tighter, a small whine leaves my lips as years of submission tries to force me to bow down to the larger more threatening predator but I close my eyes and take a breath to steady myself before standing up straight and looking my mate in the eye. It's a challenge I know, but I will fight for myself.

My mate must see something in my expression because he takes a small step back when I meet his eyes and disgust and horror flash briefly over his features.

"I'm not here to force you to have sex with me, but let go of the towel I need to see something." Jax and Ryder say together, their voice gentler then before but still demanding. When I don't immediately do as I am told my mate tacks on softly. "Please remove the towel."

I don't trust him but Amyra trusts that Ryder will take control if Jax tries anything. I do as he says and his eyes drink in every cut and bruise, and his face contorts into a grimace. Subconsciously I think, because he seems like a very closed off person and to reveal sympathy and pain in a look doesn't seem like him.

I don't like the feeling and put the towel around myself after two minutes of feeling exposed. He growls at me and starts to walk towards me, anger on his face and I have no idea who it is directed at, when he stops just a bit away from me and his eyes change colour. Ryder.

Hey guys

Hope u enjoyed

Thanks for reading :)

Fav song? I have too many to choose.



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