The plan for south island

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On that same time Valgrim  and Kratox left to the blacksmiths. Saroas and Leoheart went to the magic shop. As they left the flappy stingray saroas Asked Leoheart about his home.

"So Leoheart you and Kratox have known each other for a really long time are you two blood brothers?" Saroas asked.

"Well actually no see I the adopted son of his family even tho I was considered to be a black sheep by the elder of the family. But Kratox treated me as a younger brother and we both became a team ever since." Leoheart replies as they passed the docks

"Oh cool so what happened to your family?" Saroas asked

"Well our town was ransacked by a group of pirates. They were very ruthless and blood thirsty. As a matter of fact the sight of blood makes them go more crazy." Leoheart Says in a sincere tone.

"What do you mean by that?" Saroas asked

"The pirates had the appearance of great white sharks and were big as Kratox or even bigger. but all I know is that the sight of blood makes them go in a frenzy. And there captain was more of a ass hole he burned everything to the ground." Leoheart Says

"So do you anything about him like a name?" Saroas asked

"Captain lockjaw. Was his name he wields a anchor as a weapon. And he has red glowing eyes." Leoheart explains

"Oh I've heard of him. He's on estrals wanted list for quite some time." Saroas adds

"Wait wanted list. Like a list that guards use for prisoners?" Leoheart asked

"Yes. I'm the son of general Lockwood I'm part of his army." Saroas Says

"Wait. Lockwood as in the aasimar Lockwood?" Leoheart questioned as he stopped and looked over at saroas

"Yep that's right." Saroas Says as they made it to the magic shop.

Saroas opens the door to the magic shop they saw a woman behind the counter.

"Hello welcome to the magic shop how may I help you gentlemen?" The women asked

"Hi I'm here looking to see if you can enchant my long sword if that's possible?" Saroas asked

"Well of course sir what enchantment do you want?" The lady replies as she takes his sword to the back

"Fire and lightning!" He Says to make sure she herd.

"So what about your friend?" The lady says as she points over to Leoheart.

"Do you have these ingredients? I'm trying to look for them?" Leoheart asked as he hands her a list of ingredients.

"Ah well I think we have most of them but one of them I do believe we just got a fresh shipment of spider venom. And you like your more then welcome to use the alchemy table over there." The lady says as she shows him where the table is

"Thank you miss." Leoheart Says as he starts making poison for his supplies.

"So saroas. How did you meet Valgrim?" Leoheart asked.

"Well it wasn't a what you call pleasant." Saroas Says remembering his fight with Valgrim.

"So what did a fight happen or something?" Leoheart asked as he puts a light green liquid like substance in a vile

"Ehh it was kinda both." Saroas Says

"Oh who did he fight?" Leoheart Replies

"He fought me." Saroas Says

"What the hell?! Who won?" Leoheart asked

"Well I may as well explain it then. It started in the tavern-." Saroas try's to explain

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