A tiefling boy named Valgrim is in search of the Assailants responsible for his mother and fathers death he is also accompanied by a aasimar paladin and a rouge ranger.
The time in jahal cove Valgrim exits from his quarters everyone was by his door.
"So How'd it go?" Vallen Asked.
"It went good." Valgrim Says before he sees a vorpal ship make port.
Valgrims eyes narrowed and saw a familiar face and a familiar Centaur. As they walked on the docks Valgrim walked to them and greeted them.
"Well aren't you two a cypher with salty eyes how are you boys?" Valgrim Asked
"Well we had some trouble with our crew and I feel like I'm turning into a demon or a devil." Wake Says in a glumly tone
"What's wrong what happened to your ki? It's weaker? Come with me I'll see what I can do." Says as he motions wake to follow him.
"Leoheart come along we have meditation training today. Troy your in charge while I'm training with these two." Valgrim Says to Leoheart and have orders to Troy.
"Aye." Trina's Leoheart Say in unison.
"Umm is it ok if I bring my student as well?" Wake Asked
"Of course. I am a master of the way of the four elements." Valgrim Says smirking.
"Come on Nedra!" Wake shouts.
"Coming." Nedra Shouts.
"No way." Leoheart Says as his eyes widened
"Well I'll be damed." Valgrim Says smirking.
"Captain I think you already are." Leoheart Says sarcastically.
"Oh I remember you two! Hi and I would like to apologize for earlier." Nedra Says bowing apologetically.
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"It's ok las." Leoheart Says back rubbing the back of his head kinda bashfully as he hides behind his mask as he looks at her and noticed a little fairy dragon on her head.
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Leoheart face turns red he starts to steam a bit.
"Hey captain how long are you going to be training?" Saroas asked